Buy or Sell PV

Hundreds of modules being offered on global solar Trading Floor


Are you looking for PV modules or do you want to sell them for a good price? The new setup of the SolarPlaza Trading Floor has already encouraged international suppliers to offer (free-of-charge) hundreds of PV modules. The Trading Floor provides an auction facility and offers installers and other parties an easy way to find modules at one centralized location.

How do you find PV modules given the shortage on the market? The internet market place is able to offer the following crucial benefit: it is open and accessible at any time and from anywhere. The SolarPlaza Trading Floor is free-of-charge and is open for every business-to-business PV offer. All product offers are anonymous and each offer will be checked on its merit by SolarPlaza. Only SolarPlaza members will be able to respond to the offers. These conditions will ensure the quality of the company responses. Companies that place a business offer can decide on whether or not they wish to respond to any bidders. If they wish, they may purchase the list of bidders’ contact details for a small fee.
The Trading Floor is also open for other products and provides an ideal platform for the selling off of old stock or for placing a unique business offer which can be viewed by a large and international dedicated PV audience.

Apart from the Trading Floor page for business offers, we have also recently opened a page for business contact requests. This business contact request page offers the ideal opportunity to establish contacts with your suppliers for solar cells for the coming years! Why run around calling on numerous cell manufacturers when you can reach most of them by placing your (free-of-charge) advertisement on the Trading Floor?