Global group invest Euro 1 million for clean energy projects

LONDON, England, May 25, 2005 (Refocus Weekly)

Accelerating the market development of renewables is the objective of Euro 1 million in funding for 18 projects in Africa, Asia, North America, Latin America and Europe.

The Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership says the projects range from blueprints for national renewable energy policies, to support for clean energy funds. Half of the projects focus on establishing policy and regulatory models, with the balance on new financing techniques, with two-thirds of the projects in renewable energy and one-third in energy efficiency.

“The projects we’re backing promise to deliver replicable models for renewable and energy efficient development,” says Marianne Osterkorn of REEEP . “Our partnership of governments, NGOs and businesses is helping establish a stable global marketplace for clean energy.”

The 18 funded projects were selected from 296 proposals which were short-listed to 69 which submitted full proposals. Preliminary outcomes are expected by the end of this year with final completion next March.

Among the latest projects is assistance to the government of Mexico to develop a national policy on renewable energy and to Russia for developing a new financing mechanism for energy-efficient district heating. The government of China had earlier received funding from REEEP to develop a national roadmap for its wind industry.

Projects have been funded in central and eastern Europe, with support for clean energy enterprises in Poland and the Czech Republic, as well as measures to remove energy efficiency barriers in Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, Bosnia & Hezegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. Continuing support will go to support establishment of dedicated clean energy funds in Brazil and Asia, and to finance the first comprehensive database of renewable energy laws around the world.

REEEP will also fund projects which provide models for poverty alleviation through clean energy, and include financing models for solar water heating in Brazil and the Caribbean, and promoting policy models for energy efficient municipal water supply in South Africa, and solar PV village power in Mongolia.

Lead organisations include the International Energy Agency, Winrock International, Western Governors Association, Energy & Resources Institute, Alliance to Save Energy, Centre for Renewable Energy Development, Fiorello H. LaGuardia Foundation and IT Power.

Key priorities for funding include expanded support to existing funds that reflect best practice, creation of additional renewables finance facilities and funds in under-served markets with identified potential, seed capital for fund structuring and initial capitalisation of funds, Identify opportunities for innovative approaches to funding that may be generated through the carbon market, adaptation of orthodox financial mechanisms and business structures for renewables, systems that will provide a testing ground for Tradable Renewable Certificates or similar products in partner countries, initiatives to establish mechanisms and facilities that address the issues of risk reduction and mitigation, promote public and private sector investment within all areas of the renewables market, and support an international network that identifies existing sources of finance and potential linkages that can mobilise the “massive and innovative capital needs” for renewables.

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