New global business group to promote sustainable energy

NEW YORK, New York, US, May 25, 2005 (Refocus Weekly)

Three global business groups have formed an initiative to meet the global challenges outlined in the Millennium Development Goals on energy issues.

The International Chamber of Commerce, World Business Council for Sustainable Development and World Energy Council have created ‘Business Action for Energy’ specifically to represent the business community during the United Nations’ Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD 14 and 15) on energy. The group will complement ‘Business Action for Water’ which was launched in December to represent the business groups in other CSDs on water issues.

The discussion of BAE will focus on “concrete actions and tangible results underscoring the natural link between sustainable development and economic growth,” and the challenges surrounding energy and development. The roundtable of business and public leaders met during the 13th session of the CSD at UN headquarters.

“An increasingly important component of the debate on energy supply concerns the sustainability of tomorrow’s energy infrastructure,” the group explains, with the need to avoid burdensome impacts on climate while meeting the world’s growing demand for energy. “Business has already done much to contribute towards the delivery of sustainable energy, though this contribution still falls short of the challenges at hand.”
“Addressing this shortfall cannot be done by any single party alone,” it adds. “While business can play part in defining long-term strategies towards sustainable energy, it can only do so as an indispensable participant in the process alongside governments and other stakeholders.”

“Business is a constructive contributor and indispensable participant in the strive toward delivering sustainable energy - alongside governments and civil society,” it states. “Business is a willing partner and can contribute to the process through the provision of resources, the development and deployment of technologies.”

“The provision of energy underpins all Sustainable Development efforts, including water,” says Reuel Khoza, chair of BAE and chair of Eskom in South Africa.

“One must keep all energy-sources open, no source should be idealized and no source demonized but, to become fully sustainable, new technology must be developed,” says André Caillé of Hydro-Quebec, who chairs WEC, including coal. Deployment plans would be feasible only when new coal technology becomes available at an acceptable price, and he says energy businesses are placing priority now on balancing environmental and community issues with production and output.

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