Republican Governors Urge Prompt Passage of Comprehensive Federal Energy Legislation

WASHINGTON, May 17, 2005 -- U.S. Newswire


In a letter yesterday from Chairman Kenny C. Guinn and Vice Chairman Mitt Romney (MA) to the Honorable Pete Domenici, Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, the Republican Governors Association strongly supported prompt passage of comprehensive federal energy legislation.

In the letter, the governors stated that a lack of federal energy policy has immediate and residual effects that are harmful to the nation's economy.

"Volatile energy prices continue to pose a threat to the economic vitality of our states. A comprehensive energy policy is needed to help create jobs, ensure an adequate supply of diverse energy resources, and enhance our citizens' quality of life," the governors wrote.

The Republican Governors noted that the House of Representatives has already approved its version of an energy bill, and strongly encouraged the Senate to pass its own energy bill so that Congress can finish the job this year.

The governors said they looked forward to working with Congressional members on achieving such a critical goal, and that a national energy policy "should increase energy efficiency and conservation; ensure adequate energy supplies; renew and expand energy infrastructure; encourage investment in new energy technologies; and provide energy assistance to low-income households."

To view the RGA letter to The Honorable Pete Domenici, Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, please visit the RGA web site at .

Paid for by the Republican Governors Association.

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