Britain replaces funding for renewable energy installations

LONDON, UK, November 9, 2005 (Refocus Weekly)

The UK government will provide £30 million over three years to develop its ‘Low Carbon Building Programme’ that will promote small renewable energy technologies.

“The installation of microgeneration products such as micro-wind turbines, solar panels and air source heat pumps are an excellent way for individuals, communities and businesses to make their own contribution to tackling climate change,” says energy minister Malcolm Wicks. “As these become more widespread, they can help to teach children and future generations about the benefits of renewable energy and the new to use our resources more responsibly.”

The LCBP is designed to take a holistic approach to reducing carbon emissions from buildings by combining small renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures. It is part of the government's strategy to promote microgeneration, which aims to remove the barriers currently hindering development of a sustainable market for these products.

Wicks also added £1.5 million to the budgets of his department’s Clear Skies and Major Photovoltaic Development programs, to meet demand until the LCBP replaces the programs early in the next financial year. They have disbursed £43 million over the last four years, and the industry has lobbied heavily against their termination.

“I am also calling on the major players in the energy field to work with my department in order to expand the microgeneration sector, with a particular emphasis on renewable energy technology on school buildings,” he says. “We have already aided 184 schools with their projects and I will be having further discussions with companies such as Shell, EDF Energy, SSE and Scottish Power, all of whom have expressed support, so that we can examine ways of working together to achieve our aims.”

He announced details of the program at the launch of the Energy Futures Lab at Imperial College in London. He also announced the latest round of grant applications under the solar scheme, with Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts and Bugle Village Hall in Cornwall among 15 projects that will receive a total of £1.1 million from existing money for solar projects.

“As well as continuing to fund single installations, the programs will fund large-scale developments in the public and private sectors,” he adds. “Potential beneficiaries could include schools, leisure centres or even remote villages that are not connected to the grid.”

“The energy supply sector fully recognises the vital importance of increasing energy efficiency and the increased use of more sustainable ways of powering and heating homes and workplaces,” says Ian Marchant of SSE. “There is significant appetite for taking up the challenges that lower carbon buildings represent and this additional funding is another useful step in the right direction.”

“There is no silver bullet for dealing with the challenge posed by climate change,” adds Vincent de Rivaz of EDF Energy. “A diverse range of generation types will be another key part of the answer and within this there is certainly a role for microgeneration and for CHP schemes where they can be used at maximum efficiency.”

“Mass market renewables provide an important new dimension to the sustainable energy mix and the best way of engaging the public in this issue,” says Philip Wolfe of the Renewable Power Association.

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