Colombian Volcano Spews Fire, People Evacuated
COLOMBIA: November 25, 2005

BOGOTA - The Galeras volcano in southeastern Colombia shot fire early on Thursday in a small eruption, prompting the government to step up evacuations of about 9,000 people living nearby.


"There was an eruption," said government volcano expert Martha Calvache. "People saw a sudden blaze from the volcano that was stronger than recent activity we saw in August and September."

People around the town of Pasto were urged to leave as pressure in the volcano grows.

Evacuations started last week in Narino province when scientists first warned an eruption was possible. Some residents said they were reluctant to abandon their farms and livestock.

Galeras had a small gas and ash eruption a year ago that started forest fires but caused no injuries. An eruption of the volcano in 1993 killed at least 10 people