Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman today announced the launch of a new website providing U.S. manufacturing plants a quick and easy way to sign up for the Department of Energy's Industrial Energy Saving Teams program. The program, launched on October 3, 2005 as part of a national energy saving effort, seeks to improve the energy efficiency of America's most energy-intensive manufacturing facilities through comprehensive energy assessments.

"President Bush has called on all Americans to improve efficiency in light of expected higher energy prices this fall. Because they are so energy intensive, many of America's largest manufacturing facilities can play a significant role in this effort," Secretary Bodman said. "By identifying low, or no-cost ways to save energy, our teams can help manufacturing facilities not only improve efficiency, but also lower their energy bills."

Through free assessments, DOE Energy Saving Teams work with individual facilities to identify opportunities to save energy and money, primarily by focusing on steam and process heating systems. The application period for the first round of assessments closes on December 9, 2005; only facilities in the United States and U.S. territories are eligible to apply.

Interested companies can apply via the web at:

In addition, the Department of Energy has developed a series of free, informational brochures detailing "Fifteen Tips to Help Your Plant Save Energy." These materials are available by calling 877-337-3463, or at the web address above.

On October 3, 2005, Secretary Bodman kicked off the national "Easy Ways to Save Energy" campaign which includes a consumer outreach and education initiative, and the deployment of Energy Saving Expert Teams to large federal facilities and the top 200 energy-intensive manufacturing facilities in the United States.

Media contact:

Mike Waldron OR Chris Kielich 202/586-5806

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DOE Launches New Website Aimed at Improving Industrial Energy Savings