Ecuador joins multinational Methane to Markets Partnership
Nov. 8

Ecuador has been added as the 17th member of the Methane to Markets Partnership, a multinational group including the United States that pledges to recover and use methane as a clean energy source.

The partnership concluded its second annual meeting Nov. 4.

In addition to adding Ecuador as a new member, the partnership announced it would hold an exposition in 2007 to highlight methane recovery and reuse technologies. It also formed a new agriculture subcommittee to address reducing methane emissions from manure.

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, 23 times as effective as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the earth´s atmosphere, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Methane to Markets Partnership hopes to reduce annual methane emissions by 50 million metric tons of carbon equivalent by 2015, according to the EPA.

Details about the partnership are available online at

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