Evangelicals call for carbon reduction

Washington (Platts)--8Nov2005
A coalition of evangelical groups is drafting a policy statement encouraging
lawmakers to create mandatory controls for carbon emissions.

The National Association of Evangelicals, Christianity Today magazine and the
Evangelical Environmental Network, to name a few, are reviewing the draft and
should have it finalized within two months, Jim Jewel, a coalition spokesman,
told Platts Coal Trader on Monday. 

Short on specifics in the report, Jewel said he would prefer the organizations
speak for themselves once the final draft is released.

As to why evangelical organizations would want to get involved in
environmental policy, Jewel admitted he wasn't an authority but he did say,
"The Bible says a lot about taking care of the Earth."

More and more religious organizations are calling on government officials and
businesses to clean up the environment. Most recently, the Sisters of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Detroit Edison stakeholders, asked the company to
issue a report on its efforts to lower emissions and its position on global
climate change.

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