LAS VEGAS, Nov 29, 2005 /PRNewswire


In the wake of President Clinton's recent call to make Nevada the "alternative energy capital of the world", a group of prominent Nevadans have launched a new company to do just that.

Powered by Renewables (PBR) will utilize the state's renewable resources to develop, manage and sell utility-scale renewable energy projects, and the electricity and renewable energy credits generated by those projects.

Lead by Tim Carlson, PBR ( combines Carlson's experiences in economic development and renewable energy. "One of my top priorities is renewable energy," said United States Senator Harry Reid. "It's gratifying to see a Nevada company step forward to develop the state's vast renewable resources."

Prior to founding PBR, Carlson served as Executive Director of the Nevada Commission on Economic Development. He became involved in renewable energy when he was appointed CEO of the Nevada Test Site Development Corporation, a commercialization partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy and the Test Site. Most recently, Tim was appointed by Governor Guinn to represent the wind industry on the Nevada Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Task Force.

"I appointed Tim to the Task Force because I have great respect for his commitment to finding renewable solutions for our state's energy needs," said Governor Guinn.

Other key members of PBR's team include Sig Rogich and Lee Haney of The Rogich Communications Group (RCG). President of RCG, Sig was a consultant to Presidents Reagan and George W. Bush. Lee Haney, RCG's Executive Vice President, provides consulting services to a diverse range of clients from the business community and government sectors in Nevada as well as throughout the United States.

"I am pleased to see this group of distinguished Nevadans come together to focus on the development of Nevada's renewable resources," commented Don Soderberg, Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. "Sig, Lee and Tim have been leaders in Nevada for years. To see them focus on renewable energy gives me a degree of confidence in the future of Nevada's renewable energy industry," he said.

Headquartered in Las Vegas, PBR's customers include Nevada's utilities, municipalities, rural electric cooperatives and large commercial customers.

SOURCE Powered by Renewables

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New Nevada Company Answers President Clinton's Call To Develop State's Renewable Resources