REEEP Issues Fourth Call for Proposals for Renewable Energy


November 15, 2005


"The UK government should be recognized for its leadership in addressing issues of energy security and climate change, issues which energy efficiency and renewable energy can mitigate."

-- Marianne Osterkorn, International Director, REEEP

The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project (REEEP) announced its fourth Call for Project Proposals from organizations, including REEEP partners that are active in policy and in the financing of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
REEEP will deploy more than USD$3.5 million to support projects identified under its fourth round. The funding for the fourth round is from the UK government. REEEP, which funds projects from around the world, will give priority for this funding round to Angola, Brazil, China, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia and South Africa.

"This is our largest funding round since the inception of the REEEP," said Marianne Osterkorn, International Director. "The UK government should be recognized for its leadership in addressing issues of energy security and climate change, issues which energy efficiency and renewable energy can mitigate. We hope that other governments will become supporters of our partnership and provide the funding required to make clean energy a reality."

A combination of new projects, wait-listed projects from the third round, such as events, regional and partnership projects and strategic projects will be supported in this fourth program round. REEEP intends to support more than 40 additional projects and five events. Of these about 18 new projects would be supported through the time-bound open global call for new projects. Once selected, the projects would begin next spring.

The REEEP Program portfolio currently consists of 58 projects in 25 countries, primarily funded by the UK Government. These projects represent an investment of more than USD$5.8 million from REEEP, which has achieved a leverage of about USD$37 million.

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