USG oil shut-ins at 727,054 b/d, or 48.47%: MMS

New York (Platts)--14Nov2005
Crude and natural gas production shut-ins in the Gulf of Mexico in the
aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita continued to decrease, the US
Minerals Management Service said Monday in its daily report.
     The agency did not issue a report on Friday due to the Veterans' Day
     The agency said oil shut-ins in the Gulf as of 11:30 a.m. CST were 
727,054 b/d, or 48.47% of normal production of 1.5-mil b/d. On Thursday, oil
shut-ins were 736,2790 b/d, or 49.09% of normal production. Gas shut-ins
Monday edged down to 3.742 Bcf/d, or 37.42% of normal production of 10 Bcf/d.
Gas shut-ins on Thursday were listed by MMS at 4.016 Bcf/d, or 40.16% of
     MMS also said the cumulative oil production shut in since Aug 26 ahead of
Katrina is now 85,669,231 bbl, equivalent to 15.647% of yearly US Gulf output
of roughly 547.5-mil bbl. Cumulative gas shut-ins of 442.045 Bcf were
equivalent to 12.111% of yearly Gulf output of some 3.65 Tcf.

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