Bills would update mining laws, increase fees

Washington (Platts)--26Oct2005
A House package of bills that would update mining laws, increase fees and
permit the sale of federal mining lands, open the northern coastal plain of
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to energy production and grant more
control of offshore energy production to coastal states will have its only
committee review today during the budget markup. 

Made public on Monday, the Domestic Energy Fuels Resources Deficit Reduction
Package would raise $2.4-bil for the federal government, according to sponsor
Rep. Richard Pombo, R-Calif., chairman of the House Resources Committee.

For coal mining companies, the bill would increase fees significantly for
mining on federal lands and encourage reuse of reclaimed land. Pombo estimates
the bill would raise $155-mil over five years with the new mining fees and
would create guidelines for private investment to promote sustainable
development in mining communities. 

A bill with similar goals was introduced last week by Rep. Nick Rahall,
D-W.Va., and eight others and referred to the subcommittee on energy and
mineral resources. No hearing has been scheduled on H.R. 3968.

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