US truckers association demands end to OCS drilling moratoria

Washington (Platts)--10Oct2005
The American Trucking Assn on Monday called on the US Minerals Management
Service to expand the area where companies can drill for oil and natural gas
offshore the US. 
     The trade association for the trucking industry said such a move would
"reduce US dependence on foreign oil, increase national fuel supplies and curb
skyrocketing fuel prices." 
     The ATA bemoaned the fact that drilling is currently limited to the
central and western Gulf of Mexico and it wants MMS to expand drilling areas
well beyond those regions, including acreage off the coast of Alaska. 
     "We need the ability to explore new, untapped areas for domestic energy
supplies," said ATA President and CEO Bill Graves. "The US has an opportunity
to improve our energy situation and continue to support economic growth, while
providing consumers and businesses with the essential energy they need." 
     The US trucking industry is on pace to spend $85-bil on fuel in 2005
given current prices, some $23-bil more than in 2004, the ATA said. 
     Because resource-rich areas remain under moratoria, preventing
exploration and production off most of the US coastline, the ATA said the
restrictions currently in place were denying "American consumers access to
vast domestic energy supplies." 
     It said that "about 300 Tcf of natural gas and more than
50-bil bbl of oil on the OCS off the continental US can be recovered using
today's technology. This is enough oil to maintain current US oil production
for more than 80 years and current natural gas production for almost 70 years.
The supply could produce gasoline for 116-mil cars and heating oil for 47-mil
homes for 15 years."

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