You take the hydrogen road  
Publication Date:02-October-2005
09:00 AM US Eastern Timezone 
Source: Andrew English-Telegraph
The fuel cell is alive and kicking, according to Larry Burns, GM's research supremo.

One step forward and one step back for hydrogen fuel cells this week, as General Motors deferred the development of its Sequel fuel-cell concept due to its financial problems, but also said that rising fuel prices will help to drive forward the adoption of fuel-cell cars.
Delayed sequel: Larry Burns explains the delays in GM's next-gen fuel-cell system

"The technology is still on track," says Larry Burns, General Motors' vice president of research and development and strategic planning, "but we have put back the purchase of certain components for Sequel as we have adjusted to the cost of financing." However, he adds that, "as oil prices rise, customers are inclined to embrace new alternative fuels for financial payback reasons".

Four years ago, his department was predicting a long-term price of oil at $22 a barrel. "Boy, I'll tell you," he says, "the current $70 to $80 a barrel didn't even appear on our radar screens back then."

Although GM predicts a long-term price of around $40 to $45 a barrel, it's the depressing economic effect of even that price that worries Burns. "Prices like that tend to hit the low end of the market first, and as the high price of gas hits household budgets, people tend to buy second-hand cars," he explains.

But despite the immediate funding difficulties, Burns says he is more confident than ever that General Motors can meet its self-imposed target of producing a fuel-cell vehicle that matches an internal combustion engine on cost (about $50 per kilowatt of power), durability and performance by 2010.

"Sequel will have a range of 300 miles, with 0-60mph acceleration of under 10 seconds," he says. "We know we have the durability from submarine uses of fuel cells, which have got to 10,000 hours of maintenance-free operation".

Crucially, GM has made further advances since Sequel's specification was fixed. "Sequel is two-year-old technology," says Burns. "We had several breakthroughs last year that have increased our fuel cell's power density by a further 50 per cent, which means in seven years we've managed to increase power density by 14 times."

He claims that GM has also had encouraging results in low-load efficiency, by switching off the fuel cell when the vehicle is braking, in the degradation of the platinum catalyst and electrical inverter and electric-motor technology.

Burns is also confident that liquid hydrogen rather than pressurised hydrogen gas could be the storage medium of the future. "We've managed to get 700 bar gaseous storage for Sequel," he says, "which is the equivalent of 16 gallons of gas [petrol], but the spun carbon-fibre tanks are very expensive and complex."

Liquid hydrogen is denser than gas, but has to be stored in bulky cryogenic tanks and eventually evaporates. However, GM has been researching the possibility of storing the liquid at slightly higher temperatures and at lower pressures, and also using solid-state storage.

"We've managed to extend the park-up intervals to a week before the fuel begins to evaporate off," Burns explains, "and we're almost at a stage where we can guarantee that you would never have to walk home even if you parked the vehicle up for a month.

"I like the potential of liquid hydrogen storage and I see some promise there, although it does imply central fuel storage rather than decentralised storage, which we have preferred up to now."

Interestingly, Burns also thinks the auto industry's current love affair with hybrids could make fuel cells a more attractive proposition.

"Hybrids are complex, expensive and heavy machines that take petrol and electric power and blend them seamlessly together," he says. "Even with gas at $60 to $70 a gallon, it's a long payback period. Fuel cells are simpler than a conventional internal combustion engine and a lot simpler than a hybrid, with a tenth fewer moving parts, fewer wearing surfaces and fewer part numbers."

A viable hydrogen-fuel infrastructure has long been seen as an almost insurmountable hurdle for the widespread adoption of fuel-cell vehicles, but Burns says the problems have been overstated.

He's confident that new entrepreneurial-driven methods of producing the gas, including harnessing relative temperature changes in the ocean to electrolyse water, and electricity-producing photovoltaic cells, will deliver enough hydrogen to get the cost down to about $2 to $5 per kilo; it's currently 1.3 times that.

"We've thought long and hard about this," he says, "and to get hydrogen refuelling stations to within two miles of every US citizen and maybe every 25 miles on the freeway would take $12 billion - that's half the cost of the Alaskan oil pipeline. Just think - the oil industry believes it will cost $200 billion of capital simply to secure the petrol infrastructure in the coming years.

"Already there are 50 million tonnes of hydrogen produced in the world today, and that's enough to power 200 million fuel-cell vehicles. We had cell-phones before widespread network coverage, trains before the railroad tracks, cars before the road network and computers before the internet.

"There are so many ways to skin this cat, and I'm more confident than ever about the fuel cell."