Washington, DC - The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) today
announced the completion of renewable energy policy roundtable meetings in
12 cities across the nation, seeking to define the next phase of national
policy for renewable energy in America.
"The renewable energy provisions in the 2005 energy bill are helpful but
are not the total answer. The challenge is to build a strategy that is a
market-focused synthesis of the best ideas currently in play from the
labs, the states, and Wall Street," said Hank Habicht, CEO of Global
Environment & Technology Foundation and a member of ACORE's Advisory
"The call for Phase II happened last year at ACORE's policy conference,
and it caught on across the country," said Rob Pratt, Director of the
Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust and ACORE Chairman. "Now, a question
for policy development is: what are the national policies that will result
in renewable energy contributing 20%-30%-40% of national energy supply by
2020- 2030-2040?"
ACORE held meetings in Austin, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Phoenix,
Portland, Raleigh, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Worcester, and
Washington, DC during July and August. Typically, the meetings involved 20
to 40, and as many as 65, experts on renewable energy technologies,
economics, applications, industry, regulation, and policy. In total, over
300 experts participated in the series, which leads into ACORE's national
policy conference on October 17-18, 2005 in the Cannon Caucus Room in
Washington, DC. More information about the national conference is
available at www.acore.org.
Based on the regional meetings, two key elements of a Phase II policy
framework will be a commitment to longer-term, more stable and predictable
government policy, and greater political balance with liberal arguments
for a better society, moderate arguments for economic growth and jobs, and
conservative arguments for lower taxation.
Policy options for the electricity sector emerged in the roundtables,
dealing in fundamental economics. These included:
-- Developing a backbone transmission system as a national priority to
link renewable energy in rural areas with load centers;
-- Looking at fundamentally new ways of setting utility rates based on
long-term fixed rate options;
-- Monetizing the environmental benefits of renewable energy through
national and regional trading of RECs so that Wall Street can create a
futures market;
-- Looking at the RPS mechanism and other means of encouraging utility
acceptance of renewable energy, both mandatory and voluntary;
-- Shifting economic incentives from cost-based subsidies that were useful
for early adopters in Phase I, to revenue-side (or so-called performance
based) incentives that attract private investment in Phase II;
-- Accelerating the adoption of distributed generation and smart grid
technology; and
-- Amending DOE's charter to focus on technology transfer rather than
Policy options for the transportation sector also emerged in the
roundtables, dealing in economics and consumer behavior. It was noted that
there is no government incentive, at any level of government in America
for consumers to purchase biofuels, and no government incentive for people
to upgrade the efficiency of their cars. "Isn't it odd," one participant
asked, "that government policy seems to have missed some of the most basic
issues in the real world?"
There was widespread support for developing a more comprehensive policy
for the transportation energy sector based on what will be best for the
American people, encouraging the basic parameters of "changing the vehicle
mix" and "changing the fuel mix."
Policy options for the buildings sector were likewise practical. For
example, there was support for integrating economic incentive polices that
encourage energy efficiency and solar energy together. There also was
support - ranging from New England to Texas to California - for reforming
codes, standards and especially permitting. As one participant said: "you
shouldn't have to get a permit to put solar on your house...you should
have to get a permit for not putting solar on your house."
In most cases, it appears that Phase II will cause a refining and
combining of existing policies into packages that are more market oriented
and less industry oriented. In addition, there are several areas, as noted
above, where whole new avenues of policy need to be explored.
"There is a tremendous amount of policy work to be done before Phase II is
in the implementation mode," said Roger Ballentine, President of Green
Strategies, Inc. and an ACORE conference co-chair. "For that reason, the
time to start is now."
The Phase II national policy conference is set to take place October
17-18, 2005 in the Cannon Caucus Room in Washington, DC. Speakers include
either Energy Secretary Bodman or Under Secretary Garman, Agriculture
Secretary Johanns, one or more Governors who are in process of committing,
corporate executives from GE and John Hancock, policy leaders from over
ten states in the East, Mid-America and the West, and noted experts in
electricity, fuels, transportation, buildings, and other aspects of
renewable energy utilization.
"The Phase II conference will set the stage for the next 30 years of
renewable energy policy," said conference co-chair Dan Reicher, President
of new Energy Capital and former Assistant Secretary of Energy.
The Phase II conference is being organized by ACORE in conjunction with
the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucuses of the U.S. Senate and
U.S. House of Representatives, and in cooperation with the Energy &
Environment Studies Institute. There are only 400 seats in the Cannon
Caucus Room, so people who are hoping to attend should register earlier
than later. Information about the conference can be seen at www.acore.org.
About The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE)
ACORE, a 501(c)(3) membership nonprofit organization headquartered in
Washington, DC, is dedicated to bringing renewable energy into the
mainstream of the US economy and lifestyle through information and
communications programs. ACORE provides a common platform for the wide
range of interests in the renewable energy community including industries,
associations, utilities, end users, professional service firms, financial
institutions and government agencies. ACORE serves as a forum through
which the parties work together on common interests.
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