countries seek reduction in oil prices from Venezuela
Sep 7, 2005 - Xinhua English Newswire
Roundup: Caribbean countries seek reduction in oil prices from
HAVANA, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- Caribbean countries seek to reduce the
cost of their petroleum imports from Venezuela, which promised them
favorable payment conditions as part of PetroCaribe, an energy
cooperation agreement in the region.
Leaders, or their representatives, from 13 Caribbean countries are
holding a meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in Montego Bay,
Jamaica, reports reaching here said.
The PetroCaribe summit takes place as oil prices skyrocket to
unprecedented levels in the international market, representing an
enormous burden and stunting the development of regional economies.
During the meeting, the Venezuelan government will sign agreements
with the 13 countries registered in PetroCaribe, a Caracas initiative
meant to guarantee energy security in the region.
In order to contain a possible wave of criticism from Venezuelan
opposition parties, Chavez said his country will not give crude away to
the Caribbean nations, but rather, will grant them favorable trading
Chavez said the Caribbean countries will be asked to immediately pay
60 percent of the cost, with the remaining 40 percent either being paid
within two years or with products such as sugar or bananas.
Caribbean diplomatic authorities said the Venezuelan government is
likely to further discount crude prices.
Since 1980, Venezuela and Mexico have supplied 180,000 barrels of
crude a day to Central America and the Caribbean under favorable
conditions in line with another energy cooperation program, the San Jose
The pact, sponsored by the two countries, allows for the supply of
crude on credit to Central American and Caribbean countries, but does
not include preferential pricing.
A new cooperation agreement, PetroCaribe, was put forth by the Chavez
administration last June to supply oil to Caribbean countries on
favorable terms.
The registered countries in PetroCaribe are Antigua and Barbuda, the
Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada,
Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines, and Suriname.
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Ali Rodriguez called Tuesday's Montego
Bay Summit as the second phase for the realization of PetroCaribe.
At the summit, leaders of the Caribbean countries are to expected to
sign more extensive agreements on energy cooperation with Venezuela.
Cuban President Fidel Castro was among the first leaders to arrive in
Jamaica to take part in the summit with Chavez.
Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Patrick Manning cancelled his
participation in the project, arguing that PetroCaribe will harm his
country's crude exports.
But Ralph Gonzalvez, prime minister of Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines, said during a recent visit to Venezuela that the initiative
was part of an integration process to transform Caribbean society.
The Venezuelan government said PetroCaribe is part of the Bolivarian
Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), a program launched by Chavez to
contend with the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), proposed by the
United States.
PetroCaribe will have an executive secretariat and a ministerial
council, composed of representatives from its member countries, which
will hold a meeting every year.
Chavez faces disapproval at home for the plan, as Venezuela's
opposition accuses him of using petroleum as a political tool to get
support from the region. Meanwhile, Caribbean and Central American
countries have asked Venezuela to offer further discounts on crude
through PetroCaribe.
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