Chernobyl Radiation Death Toll 56 So Far - UN
AUSTRIA: September 6, 2005 |
VIENNA - The number of people killed by radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, the world's worst nuclear accident, is so far 56, much lower than previously thought, United Nations organisations said on Monday.
A report compiled by the Chernobyl Forum, which includes eight UN agencies, said the final death toll was expected to reach about 4,000 -- much lower than some previous estimates -- and that the greatest damage to human health was psychological. The disaster occurred at 1:24 a.m. on April 26, 1986, when an explosion at Reactor 4 of the Ukrainian power plant spewed a cloud of radioactivity over Europe and the Soviet Union, particularly contaminating Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. "Claims have been made that tens or even hundreds of thousands of persons have died as a result of the accident. These claims are exaggerated," the Chernobyl Forum report said. UN officials said the death toll was 47 emergency workers and nine children who had died of thyroid cancer. Most of the 4,000 deaths would be among emergency workers exposed to high radiation doses shortly after the accident, who were at higher risk of contracting cancer even decades later. The forum includes the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank and the governments of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. "The mental health impact of Chernobyl is the largest public health problem unleashed by the accident to date," said the report on health, a text from which the report was derived. About 4,000 people developed thyroid cancer as a result of the accident, most of them children and adolescents in 1986. The survival rate, however, had been almost 99 percent, based on figures in Belarus, the report said. Another group that suffered greatly was the thousands of emergency workers who helped extinguish the blaze and entomb the reactor in concrete. They and staff at the plant received very high radiation doses shortly after the accident. "By and large, however, we have not found profound negative health impacts to the rest of the population in surrounding areas, nor have we found widespread contamination that would continue to pose a substantial threat to human health, with a few exceptional, restricted areas," said the forum's Chairman, Burton Bennett.
The forum's report "Chernobyl's Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts" examines the effects of the disaster as its 20th anniversary approaches. The report is itself a digest of another, 3-volume, 600-page report by hundreds of scientists, economists and health experts. Greenpeace, however, challenged the report's findings, saying in a statement that the reports it was based on contained contradictory information and research had been omitted. Apart form reactor staff and emergency workers exposed on the day of the disaster, most emergency workers and residents of contaminated areas received relatively low radiation doses, comparable to background levels, the UN said in a statement. Apart from thyroid cancer, there was no evidence of any increase in cancer or leukaemia rates among local residents, it said, nor was there evidence of decreased fertility or of a higher rate of congenital malformations. For the 350,000 people moved out of contaminated areas, however, relocation was a "deeply traumatic experience" which often left them unemployed, the UN statement said. People from areas near Chernobyl were labelled as 'victims' rather than 'survivors', which led them to view themselves as "helpless, weak and lacking control over their future", it said. "This, in turn, has led either to over-cautious behaviour and exaggerated health concerns, or to reckless conduct, such as ... overuse of alcohol and tobacco, and unprotected sexual activity," the statement added. Many evacuated areas were now safe, the report said. Apart from the still closed, highly contaminated 30-km (19-mile) area surrounding the reactor and some closed lakes and restricted forests, radiation levels had mostly returned to acceptable levels, the statement said. Benefits offered to 'victims' were expanded to 7 million people. These needed to be scaled down or target only high-risk groups, though it would be unpopular, it said. The forum is holding a two-day conference on the consequences of Chernobyl in Vienna starting on Tuesday.
Story by Francois Murphy