BEIJING, Sep 20, 2005 -- SinoCast


China is to build 31 more nuclear power stations before 2020 to increase the total nuclear power generation capacity to 40 million kilowatts.

Then, the country will turn into the major drive for market expansion and growth during peak period of a new round of nuclear power stations construction in the world, in accordance with estimation by International Energy Agency.

At the moment, China is capable of developing, designing and building 300,000-kilowatt and 600,000-kilowatt nuclear power stations, but it is still researching and developing technologies, design and equipment manufacture relevant to 1 million-kilowatt nuclear power stations.

Separately, the nuclear power stations China is to build before 2020 are those with an generation capacity of over 1 million kilowatts, so the country is seeking overseas partners in equipment making.

Foreign companies estimated that the 31 nuclear power stations would cost around USD 65 billion (USD 1 = CNY 8.11).

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China to Build 31 New Nuclear Power Stations before 2020