Daily status report on energy industry recovery efforts in the US Gulf


-- The Houston Ship Channel has reopened to all daylight transit vessels with a draft of 35 feet or less for the first time since Hurricane Rita's pass through the area, a Vessel Traffic Service official with the US Coast Guard told Platts on Sep 27.

-- Meridian Resource Corp on Sep 27 said that onsite and aerial inspections of the majority of its production facilities in southcentral and southwestern Louisiana indicate that its production facilities are "essentially intact and undamaged" in the wake of Hurricane Rita.

-- The latest temporary waiver of the Jones Act will run until 12:01 am on Oct 24, the US Energy Department said late Sep 26. The waiver allows foreign shipping vessels to transport petroleum and refined petroleum products between domestic ports. President George W Bush on Sep 26 said he intended to extend the waiver, which he first initiated in the wake of Hurricane Katrina after Hurricane Rita shutdown a slew of refining capacity along the Gulf Coast.

-- Transocean on Sep 27 said that two of its semisubmersible rigs were damaged during Hurricane Rita. Houston-based Transocean reported that its moored semisubmersible rig Transocean Marianas was forced off its drilling location during Rita and is grounded in shallow water at Eugene Island Block 133, about 140 miles northwest of its pre-storm location.

-- Sabine Pipe Line continues to send more damage assessment teams to the Henry Hub in southwestern Louisiana on Sep 27, a company spokesman said. The Hub has been flooded in the aftermath of Hurricane Rita.

-- Cleco Corp had 57,864 customers without power early on Sep 27 due to the landfall of Hurricane Rita on Sep 24, down from a peak of 136,584, the Pineville, Louisiana-based utility said.

-- CenterPoint Energy and TXU Electric Delivery still have a combined 127,000 customers without electricity in East Texas in the aftermath of Hurricane Rita, the utilities said the morning of Sep 27.

-- Columbia Gulf Transmission remained under force majeure on Sep 27 for meters upstream and including the Egan, Louisiana, measurement stations and meters 433, 434, 437 and 438. The force majeure was called due to high water at and around the Pecan Island compressor and separation station in southern Louisiana resulting from Hurricane Rita.

-- Due to unspecified damage to its South Marsh Island gas production platform in the US Gulf, ANR Pipeline Company declared a force majeure late on Sep 26, to continue until further notice. Crews are still assessing the full extent of Hurricane Rita's damage the which impacts a portion of the 24-inch Vermillion line, which is southeast of Kinder, the company said.

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