Environmental Income
Can Help Reduce Poverty -- A Guest Commentary
September 21, 2005 — By Dr. David Suzuki, David Suzuki Foundation
A common complaint I hear again and again is that environmental groups
ignore the economy. "You can't take care of the environment unless you
have a strong economy," is the standard refrain.
This line is often used as a justification to pursue just about any
development, regardless of its environmental impact. And it's often used
as a club against those who seek to protect natural areas in the
developing world, as though industries are simply seeking to better the
lives of the poor in these areas, while environmental groups want to
hold them back.
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Alleviating poverty
is an important environmental goal too. I have often said if my family
was starving and I saw an endangered plant or animal we could eat, I 'd
have to kill it and bring to back to my family for food.
Still, the argument is tempting in its simplicity. How else can we
improve the lot of the poor if not by merely exploiting the natural
resources where they live? A new report, The Wealth of the Poor, backed
by the United Nations and the World Bank helps explain how. It argues
that linking aid to environmental protection is one of the most
effective ways to reduce poverty.
According to the report, economic-development programs have largely
ignored rural populations in developing countries, which make up
three-quarters of the world's poor. These people more than any other
rely most directly on natural resources and services, yet they face
increasing pressures on these services from outside forces. Fish stocks,
for example, are dwindling in developing countries as industrial fleets
mine the seas to feed wealthier people in the developed world. This
economic activity might increase the developing nation's GDP in the
short term, but it actually reduces the capacity of local people to earn
a living over the long term.
In other words, many of the current models of economic development are
ill-suited to rural areas because they fail to take into account the
connection between the people and the planet. But more than that, The
Wealth of the Poor argues that natural resources and services, rather
than just being basic survival mechanisms, can actually be
wealth-creating assets if they are effectively managed. This
"environmental income" can act as a stepping stone to economically
empower the rural poor.
Central to tapping into that wealth is the need to bring local resources
under local control. Examples have shown that such measures can succeed
where international industrialization schemes have failed. For example,
communities in Fiji have increased the abundance of fish in their waters
when they strictly restricted fishing to certain areas. And land reforms
based on local community co-operation in northern Tanzania have led to
reforestation in degraded areas that now provide food and fuel for local
Unfortunately, such examples are few because the vast majority of
poverty-reduction schemes are not grounded in local people and their
environment. Natural services are often ignored as though they have no
value and the poor suffer the most when these services are degraded. If
we want to improve the lot of the rural poor, that has to change.
It's true that environmental organizations have not paid enough
attention to poverty. But it's much more glaring that economic
development plans have paid so little attention to the environment. For
too long there has been a disconnect between science and economics. The
fact is, we all depend on natural services and resources for our
survival and for the wealth of goods we currently enjoy. And if we don't
take care of those natural systems, we will all end up much poorer.
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