HDR "Writes the Book" on Water Reuse

September 2, 2005


A team of HDR water reuse experts has written a new book for the American Public Works Association. "Good Until The Last Drop: A Practitioner’s Guide to Water Reuse" will be launched at the APWA Congress, which takes place September 11 through 14 in Minneapolis.


The book offers a practical guide to all facets of water reuse. It includes legal and public involvement considerations as well as guidelines on selecting the right infrastructure, maintaining water quality, examining how the organization should be set up, finding the right financing sources, setting fair and equitable rates, and choosing the right delivery method, such as design-build for fast-track projects. The book also includes several water reuse case studies.


"Good Until The Last Drop: A Practitioner’s Guide to Water Reuse" is available at www.apwa.net/bookstore/. It is available to APWA members for $45 and to non-members for $55. Other organizations qualifying for the member rate include the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Professional Grounds Management Society and Water Environment Federation.


In addition to water reuse, HDR has established nationwide expertise in other water management and regulatory issues and research. HDR has distributed more than 750,000 copies of the annual Safe Drinking Water Act wall chart since 1994, and publishes the quarterly Safe Drinking Water Act newsletter. HDR water experts also wrote the second edition of "The Handbook of Public Water Systems," a Wiley and Sons book that is available on www.amazon.com.

Source: HDR   September 2, 2005