House proposes three options for short-term energy funding

Washington (Platts)--28Sep2005
Several federal nuclear-related programs will continue to be funded at fiscal
2005 levels on a short-term basis after FY-06 begins Oct. 1. The House has
proposed a short-term continuing resolution (CR) that the Senate is expected
to approve later this week. Funding under the CR would be the lowest of three
options--the House-passed funding level, the Senate-approved level, or the
FY-05 level. The CR, which could be the first in a series, would provide
funding through Nov. 18. Under the CR, DOE's repository project at Yucca
Mountain, Nev. and its Generation IV advanced reactor programs also would
continue to receive prorated funds at FY-05 levels ($572- and $39.6-million,
respectively), while funding for DOE's Nuclear Power 2010 program would be
prorated at the FY-06 House-proposed level ($46-million).

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