Sep 28, 2005 - The Daily Oklahoman

The Oklahoma Wind Power Assessment Committee on Tuesday released its final report and recommendations, saying the Legislature should work to support further development of the state's renewable resources.

"Wind power and other renewable resources offer huge benefits that aren't available with traditional resources," said Denise Bode, Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner and committee chairman. "While electric power plans are long-term investments with useful lives of 30 years, there are now valid questions as to whether the fuels will be readily available for that time. But the sustainability of renewable resources is nearly infinite."

The report recommends the state offices buy renewable power as part of their electricity usage. It also calls on the Legislature to study and develop the state's transmission infrastructure, extend existing production tax credits and establish a series of public education programs that will focus on the benefits of developing renewable energy.

"If the Legislature were to follow these recommendations, it would mean tremendous economic development from several different kinds of projects," said Kylah McNabb, coordinator for the Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative. "But more than jobs and development opportunities, that leadership also would help the state gain exposure as a leader in renewable energy development."

The committee report was released during Tuesday's Oklahoma Emerging Energy Technology Conference in Norman. It followed more than five months after the committee released its interim report in April.

Oklahoma group's findings on energy released