Moscow, Sep 01, 2005 -- BBC Monitoring


The No 2 generating set at the Kalininskaya nuclear power plant was stopped on Thursday [1 September] because of a fault in operation, the Rosatom [Russian Atomic Energy Agency] press service has said.

"At 1013 Moscow time [0613 gmt] on 1 September 2005, the No 2 generating set at the Kalininskaya nuclear power plant was stopped by personnel in line with the technological procedure after some actuating devices of the protection control system stopped displaying readings," the report says. "No limits and conditions of safe operation of the Kalininskaya nuclear power plant's generating sets have been violated," the press release says. "The No 3 generating set is currently operating at the station, its load capacity being 980 megawatts. The No 1 generating set is undergoing scheduled maintenance," the report says. "Radiation levels in and around the Kalininskaya nuclear power plant comply with natural environment radiation levels," the press release says.

Source: RIA news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0931 gmt 1 Sep 05

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Russian nuclear plant's generating set stopped because of fault