Seasonal Cycling: Freshwater and Saltwater
Interactions in Coastal Groundwater Systems May Provide Clues to Chemicals
Entering Coastal Waters
September 01, 2005 — By Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
WOODS HOLE, MA — Scientists have recently recognized an imbalance in the flow of
salty groundwater into the coastal ocean: considerable saltwater discharge into
the ocean has been observed, but little or no return flow has been seen. Now it
appears that the timing of the discharge may be key to the health of our coastal
New measurements and models suggest that seasonal changes in the water table may
provide clues to how water is exchanged and why the largest discharge occurs
during the summer, when the coastal ocean may be most vulnerable to the
dissolved chemicals in the groundwater because biological activity is at its
highest and river inflow at its lowest.
Fresh and salty groundwater flows into coastal waters as submarine groundwater
discharge and is an important source of nutrients, contaminants and trace
elements to the coastal ocean. Recent research has revealed that a large portion
of submarine groundwater discharge is saline water. Although this water was once
ocean water, the mechanism controlling its flow into and out of the sediments
has not been previously determined. Using seepage meters and geochemical
tracers, scientists have directly measured and inferred groundwater flow from
land to sea. But they have not previously been able to observe the opposite,
large-scale flow or intrusion of seawater into coastal aquifers to balance this
In a paper published August 25, 2005, in Nature, scientists from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution (WHOI) made both direct and indirect measurements of flows back and
forth at Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, at various seasons of the year and compared
those results with a general model of a coastal groundwater system. Their
findings reveal a lag in the inflows and outflows related to seasonal changes in
the water table.
Study co-author Ann Mulligan of the WHOI Marine Policy Center says seawater is
drawn into aquifers as the freshwater-saltwater interface or boundary moves
landward during winter. The water discharges back into coastal waters as the
boundary moves seaward in summer. Since summer is typically associated with
higher temperatures and evaporation, saltwater should intrude inland rather than
discharge at the coast. However, the numerical model reveals that there may be a
time lag of several months between precipitation, groundwater recharge and
associated impacts on saltwater flowing into or out of the aquifer.
“We looked at several mechanisms other than seasonal exchange that could drive
saltwater circulation, including tides, wave run-up on the beach and entrainment
or trapping of saltwater into fresh,” Mulligan said. “But each of these flows
balanced over a tidal cycle and occurs in a well-defined relatively small area
and could not account for the large discharge we observed during summer in
Waquoit Bay.”
The study was conducted at the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
in Falmouth, Massachusetts, and supported by the National Science Foundation.
The authors say the global extent of seasonal exchange of freshwater and
saltwater is unknown but could be an important factor in transporting nutrients
and contaminants trapped in sediments into coastal waters. Because the chemistry
of coastal waters is affected, it is important to understand the link between
the seasonal hydrologic cycle on land and the saline groundwater system in
coastal aquifers. Now that a major driving mechanism of saline water flow has
been determined, important follow-up studies will look at the chemical content
of the inflowing and outflowing water over a yearly cycle. Most previous studies
have looked at chemical loading from groundwater over short time periods, but
this study shows that a major process is occurring on a yearly cycle.
“The impact on coastal chemistry could be enormous,” Mulligan says. “Along the
U.S. east coast the greatest saltwater discharge may occur in summer, when
biological activity is at its highest and river inflow at its lowest. The input
of nutrients at certain times of the year may be key to the health of our
coastal waters.”
Related links (Oceanus article)
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