Survey Shows Voters Care
about Environment, But Not Necessarily at the Ballot Box
September 21, 2005 — By Margaret Lillard, Associated Press
RALEIGH, N.C. — A vast majority of voters
favors stronger policies to protect the environment, but the issue still
ranks low on their list of priorities, according to a survey released
The survey found that 79 percent favor "stronger national standards to
protect our land, air and water," including 40 percent who strongly support
the idea. But only 22 percent said environmental issues played a major role
in their recent voting.
The survey was conducted by Hart Associates and Public Opinion Strategies
for the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke
"There is a clear disconnect here," William K. Reilly, former EPA head and
chair of the institute's advisory board, said in a statement accompanying
the results.
The poll found several reasons for the gap between voters' attitudes toward
the environment and their actions on election days.
It found that a majority believe environmental problems are not as bad as
they used to be; that stronger environmental standards might bring higher
taxes and hurt the economy; and that the issue is not as urgent as jobs and
health care.
Only 10 percent of voters identified the environment as one of their top
concerns, compared to 34 percent for the economy and jobs.
The survey was released Tuesday in Washington by Tim Profeta, director of
the institute, as part of a three-day environmental summit on the Duke
campus in Durham.
The organization surveyed 800 registered voters nationwide and conducted
focus groups of voters in Columbus, Ohio, and Knoxville, Tenn. The survey
had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.46 percent.
Source: Associated Press |