15 States with Renewable Energy Requirements, DOE Says


A new analysis by DOE's Energy Information Administration (EIA) reveals that, as of the end of 2003, 15 states had a renewable energy requirement or goal. Of the 17 programs (two states have multiple programs), nine are renewable portfolio standards (RPS), four are renewable energy mandates, and four are renewable energy goals.

RPS provisions generally require that a specified share of electricity generation or sales come from qualifying renewable technologies. Mandates, on the other hand, require the construction of set amounts of new renewable capacity using specified technologies.

Goal-based programs are voluntary, and generally the goals can be met with a mix of renewable technologies. As of the end of 2003, 2,004 megawatts (86 percent) of the 2,335 megawatts of new renewable energy capacity constructed in the 15 states was a result of mandates, and the vast majority (93 percent) of the new capacity consisted of wind power installations, with smallers amounts of landfill gas, hydroelectricity, biomass and solar photovoltaic technologies.

Without doubt, the report adds, some state initiatives have significantly propelled the development of renewable energy capacity, especially in Texas (1,186 megawatts), Minnesota (501 megawatts), and Iowa (260 megawatts) and to some extent in Wisconsin, Arizona, California, and Massachusetts as well.

Because of alternative compliance options, opt-out provisions, and other limitations, it is difficult to project the future impact of the state RPS programs. Moreover, some states, including Hawaii and New Jersey, may be accelerating their programs in 2004; and additional states, including Maryland, New York, and Rhode Island, have either passed legislation or proposed new programs


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