"Renewable policies that are implemented in spurts followed by
stagnant or declining periods are worse than no policies at all."
- Donald E. Osborn, RE Insider
RE Insider, August 2, 2004 - The catalog of
recent setbacks for U.S. renewable energy policy is long and growing. The new
U.S. Department of Energy budget includes a 4.8 percent increase in renewable
energy program funding, yet funding for actual renewable energy programs has
been cut some US$27 million. Already seven core researchers in the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory biomass program have been laid off due to budget
Some 70 MW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity have been installed in California --
nearly 27 MW in 2003 alone -- yet the California Renewables Buydown Program,
scheduled to run through 2007 was out of funding this May and the fund for
smaller systems is not expected to last the rest of the year.
Despite the growing role of wind in the energy mix, Congress and the Bush
administration allowed the critical wind energy production tax credit to lapse.
The lapse threatens to stall further growth in wind, and already has resulted in
industry layoffs.
After another banner year of PV growth, U.S. PV manufacturers continue to fall
behind in global (and even domestic) market share. And though many states have
instituted renewable portfolio standards, few are actually producing significant
increases in "green and emerging renewable" energy capacity.
These reversals clearly demonstrate an overriding need for sustainable energy
policies, implemented in ways that are themselves sustainable. To achieve
lasting benefits, we must take a long-view approach to energy policy and budget
development of incentives and programs over a decade, not just the current
budget year. We must avoid the all-too-common up and down "yoyo"
effect of substantial funding followed by funding shortfalls and gaps. Far more
important than the size of the budget, the amount of the rebate or percentage of
the portfolio standard is the sustainability of the approach. Renewable policies
that are implemented in spurts followed by stagnant or declining periods are
worse than no policies at all.
Let Reliable Markets Lead
To accelerate commercialization, we must create growing, sustained markets
capable of stimulating production capacity increases and aggressive price
reductions. This commercialization strategy, pursued by organizations such as
the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, is referred to as Sustained, Orderly
Development and Commercialization (SODC). Sustainable development expert Donald
Aitken, Ph.D., describes SODC this way:
"Simply stated, it represents a condition in which the costs of a new
technology progressively decline through the action of a growing and stable
market that is stimulated by orders placed on a reliable and predictable
schedule. The orders increase in magnitude as previous deliveries and
engineering and field experience lead to further reductions in costs. And, with
respect to the renewable electric power resources, the reliability of these
orders can be projected many years into the future, on the basis of long-term
contracts [and/or market incentives], to minimize market risks and investor
Through policies that mitigate market risk, stimulate new production and result
in production technology improvements, we will stimulate the substantial price
benefits of SODC. SODC leads to structural changes that result in lasting
benefits. As manufacturing capacity increases due to SODC-stimulated market
growth, the resulting production growth and price reductions are permanent
effects. No matter how large, demonstrations and short-term market incentives
are incapable of such stimulating such permanent manufacturing benefits.
More important than the big splash is the sustained effort. We must enact
incentives for extended periods of time (a decade, typically), with gradual
reductions excreting downward pricing signals as the market matures. The signals
must be clear and credible so industry will trust the sustained nature of the
incentives and markets based on them. That confidence will go a long way toward
enabling manufacturers to justify investing in new production and technology.
The last thing we need is for the extraordinary market growth stimulated by the
California Renewable Energy Buydown Programs to stall, even temporarily, losing
the momentum gained. More important than the size of the incentive is the
sustainability and credibility over a decade of the incentive program. Thus, our
first priority must be to assure the sustainability of policies and incentives
already in place and then, only then, build upon them.
Sustained Policy is Key
In order to accelerate the long-term cost reductions required for full
commercialization, the solar industry needs reliable, growing and sustained
domestic market volume. Manufacturers require long-term, reliable programs in
order to invest the capital required to ramp up production. Therefore, to be
effective, any renewable energy commercialization program, whether national or
local, must be based on the principles of Sustained, Orderly Development and
Commercialization. The approach and implementation must be:
- Sustained: sustained over a period sufficient to result in market and
manufacturing changes -- typically a decade. Gaps in incentive funding can
quickly gut its effectiveness.
- Substantial: substantial enough to affect market changes - results in a
series of doublings of the market, perhaps in concert with other initiatives.
Assure sufficient incentive funding for long-term success, but avoid overly
large incentives, they are counterproductive.
- Predictable: predictable over the initiative period so investors,
manufacturers, and suppliers know what the details and ground rules are over the
period. Investors need to know the multiyear program plan.
- Credible: credible with the investors, manufacturers, and suppliers so
they are confident in making the needed investments to significantly expand
supply. If the investor does not believe the multiyear program is credible or if
funding is uncertain or may have significant funding gaps, the incentive will be
ineffective in expanding supply.
- Ramped: ramped down over time to exert constant downward price signals
and avoid an "incentive cliff" at the end of the incentive period.
This also stretches out the incentive funds and yields more bang for the buck.
The lack of any of these factors will result in an incentive policy that is
ineffective or even counter-productive. Any public policy aimed at accelerating
the commercialization of sustainable technology must itself be sustainable and
lead to sustainable changes. It must expand the sustainable market, stimulate
new production, and lower costs in ways that becomes embedded and permanent. You
want incentives that will expand supply, help reduce transactional costs, and
lower costs over time.
There are also items that local officials are in a unique position to address.
Local officials need to take the steps that remove barriers and encourage local
solar growth. These important steps can include: low cost/no cost permitting and
expedited processing of solar project building permits, solar access protection,
inclusion of solar in the planning process, and increased use of solar on local
government facilities. Also get them to weigh in on supporting state level
incentives. Some of the most effective efforts you can make for solar are at the
local level.
In California there can be no greater renewables policy need than to quickly
resolve the funding gap in the Renewable Energy Buydown Programs. Through policy
based on SODC -- at the local, state, and federal levels -- we can indeed build
the bridges needed to make this era the Solar Century.
About the author...
Donald E. Osborn, is CEO of Spectrum Energy Inc., Elk Grove, California, (www.SpectrumEnergyInc.com)
and the former head of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District Solar Program.
He received the 2001 Energy Globe award and the 2000 ASES Abbot Award for
significant contributions over 25 years to the solar energy field. He is the
chair of the American Solar Energy Society's Policy Committee. Contact him at deosol@aol.com.
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