SACRAMENTO, Calif., Aug. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Last November, the California
Energy Commission sent Governor Schwarzenegger and the Legislature the
"Integrated Energy Policy Report," a comprehensive look at all types
of energy in the State. By November 2004, the Energy Commission will give these
policymakers a 2004 Update that focuses on sources of renewable energy,
transmissions lines and outdated power plants. As part of the ongoing process to help government understand the State's
changing electricity picture and to better make decisions that will secure
supplies in the future, the Energy Commission has just released draft staff
white papers that examine these three key aspects of the State's electricity
supply and demand. The three papers detail the complexities of adding new renewable sources of
electricity, planning transmission upgrades to meet California's changing needs,
and dealing with the retirement of aging power plants. Later this month, the
Energy Commission will hold workshops to gather comments and to form
recommendations for both the Energy Commission's 2004 Update and the upcoming
2005 Integrated Energy Policy Report, due in November 2005. Here are highlights of the three reports: "Accelerated Renewable Energy Development" To help insure a diverse mix of electricity supplies for the state, the
Energy Commission staff stresses the need for a more vigorous and long-term
development of renewable energy sources beyond 2010. By that year, California,
through a renewables portfolio standard, expects to produce 20 percent of its
electricity from the sun, wind, biomass and other renewable sources. In this white paper, the staff highlights industry trends and policy
responses that can affect the rate of growth of new renewable energy investments
in California. If new ventures in renewable energy suffer a slowdown, the fuel
supply for California's electricity is expected to become increasingly dependent
on natural gas. To avoid losing momentum, the white paper recommends setting
post-2010 goals for more fully developing the potential of renewable resources. The draft Staff White Paper "Accelerated Renewable Energy
Development" is on line at: http://ww 23_workshop/2004-07-30_100-04-003D.PDF "Upgrading California's Electric
Transmission System: Issues and Actions for 2004 and Beyond" This staff paper identifies the need for new transmission projects in
California, details impediments in the current transmission planning process,
and describes the next steps needed to improve the efficiency of a new,
collaborative, statewide State's transmission permitting process. New transmission projects are needed to bring power from new renewable energy
sources to the electrical grid. Additional lines must be built to maintain and
enhance the reliability of the entire system, and to ensure adequate power
supplies in bottlenecked areas like San Francisco. The paper notes that
electrical transmission lines often cross multiple jurisdictional boundaries,
adding controversy to the projects and complicating the licensing process. The paper points out the need to plan corridors for transmission projects
well in advance so that the land is available when the time comes to put in a
transmission line. Another key recommendation is for planners to evaluate early
in the planning process alternatives to new transmission lines . alternatives
such as distributed generation and demand reduction through energy efficiency. The draft Staff White Paper "Upgrading California's Electric
Transmission System: Issues and Actions for 2004 and Beyond" is at: http://ww 27_workshop/2004-07-30_100-04-004D.PDF "Resource, Reliability and Environmental Concerns of Aging Power Plant Operations and Retirements" At least 22 power plant sites in California have generating units that are
between 26 and 62 years old. These 66 different generating units use outdated
technology that makes them less fuel- and cost- efficient than newer, cleaner
plants. Yet, as electricity demand grows, California remains dependent on these
older plants for summertime peak power. This third staff white paper discusses the effect these aging plants can have
on local reliability and on the State's overall power grid. It examines the
factors that can lead power generators to retire the less-efficient plants, and
assesses the effects that our continued reliance of older plants can have on
system reliability, natural gas use, electricity prices, and the environment. The draft Staff White Paper "Resource, Reliability and Environmental
Concerns of Aging Power Plant Operations and Retirements" is available on
line at: http://ww 26_workshop/2004-08-04_100-04-005D.PDF Workshops on the three white papers will be held in Sacramento on August 23,
August 26, and August 27, 2004, starting at 9 a.m. More information on the
workshops is available at the Energy Commission's website at
y_update SOURCE California Energy Commission
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