EarthTalk: I've heard that the solvents commonly used in commercial dry cleaning
are unhealthy and unsafe for the environment. Is this true?
-- Earl Eckstrom, Portland, OR
Studies show that perchloroethylene--the solvent used by the vast majority of
dry cleaning establishments--is both hazardous to human health and injurious to
the environment. For one, "perc," as the solvent is commonly known in
the industry, can have negative effects on the central nervous system. According
to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, short-term exposure
to perc can lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness and memory problems.
The environmental organization Greenpeace found that perc breaks down into toxic
byproducts like phosgene, vinyl chloride, carbon tetrachloride and
trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Dr. Gina Solomon, a senior scientist at the Natural
Resources Defense Council, says, "Phosgene is an extremely hazardous gas
which evaporates and in closed spaces is potentially lethal. Vinyl chloride is a
proven carcinogen and carbon tetrachloride is a known liver toxin." And TCA
has been linked to the extensive damage done to trees in the Black Forest in
Germany, where it was used as an herbicide in the 1950s and 1960s.
A Danish study by Kolstad, Brandt and Rasmussen revealed that pregnant dry
cleaning workers are twice as likely to have a miscarriage as pregnant women in
other professions. And the University of California at Berkeley found that male
dry cleaning workers have more sperm abnormalities and a significantly lower
sperm count than men not employed by the industry.
Less toxic alternatives to perc are beginning to take hold. Comet Cleaners,
which has 350 locations in 17 states and Mexico, replaced perc a decade ago with
the more benign petroleum solvent, Exxon D-2000. Other cleaners have switched
over to Chevron-Phillips' EcoSolv, a similar hydrocarbon-based alternative.
Meanwhile, more than 200 cleaners--including Chicago's Greener Cleaner--employ
"wet cleaning," a non-toxic, non-polluting alternative that uses
biodegradable soap and water.
Perhaps the most promising non-toxic perc alternative is produced by GreenEarth
Cleaning, which has patented its silicone-based dry cleaning solvent called
Cyclic Silioxane. This product poses no threat to the environment or human
health and simply degrades to sand, water and carbon dioxide. General Electric
and Procter & Gamble have formed a joint venture with GreenEarth to help dry
cleaners worldwide switch over to this more benign alternative. At, consumers can search an international database to find
dry cleaners in their area that are using the new solvent.
While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the use of perc
under the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Clean Water Act and the Safe
Drinking Water Act, states have been reticent to adopt phase-outs. The dry
cleaning industry has mounted a strong lobby in favor of keeping perc legal, but
consumer opposition is building, especially as more non-toxic alternatives are
becoming available.
Dear EarthTalk: What are the environmental and health risks of genetically
engineered foods, and do they outweigh the benefits such as reducing pesticide
use and increasing crop yields?
-- Liz from California
Genetic engineering is a technology that manipulates the genes of organisms and
transfers them between species. While genetically engineered (GE) foods such as
corn and wheat appear identical to their natural counterparts, they differ in
that they contain genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, nuts or animals.
Proponents of genetic engineering claim that the technology actually improves
upon Mother Nature, as altered plants can be made resistant to weeds, insects or
even cooler temperatures. As such, the technology has been touted as the future
of agriculture and looked to as a solution for world hunger.
But many scientists believe that the reality of genetic engineering is quite
different. According to UC Berkeley biologist Miguel Altieri, the replacement of
a wide variety of crops with a few genetically modified monocultures (large
groups of a single species of plant) threatens to undermine the very genetic
diversity which helps crops avoid insect infestation and the spread of disease
in the first place.
"Although biotechnology has the capacity to create a greater variety of
commercial plants," says Altieri, "the to create broad
international markets for a single product, thus creating the conditions for
genetic uniformity..." He adds that the potential transfer of genes from GE
crops to wild or semi-domesticated relatives may help create "super
weeds" resistant to any and all control efforts.
Additionally, some believe that GE foods can be hazardous to human health when
ingested. Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association says that GE foods
have been linked to many health problems, including blood disorders and food
allergies. For instance, a few years ago Pioneer Hi-Bred International, in order
to boost the protein content of its products, developed a soybean using a gene
from a Brazil nut. Independent tests on the GE soybean revealed that people
allergic to Brazil nuts could have severe allergic reactions to the modified
While many American lawmakers and farmers have embraced genetic engineering,
governments in other parts of the world are not convinced that the known
benefits of the technology outweigh the potential risks. According to Yale
University researcher Kathleen McAfee, American advocacy for genetic engineering
has strained foreign relations as European and African nations reject any such
"modified" products for trade and food aid.
With more than 40 varieties of GE crops approved for marketing and use in the
U.S., as much as 70 percent of the foods on American grocery shelves today
already contain genetically modified components. Since the federal government
does not require GE foods to be labeled as such, the best way for consumers to
avoid them is by buying only products that have been certified organic.
Related Links
Natural Resources Defense Council
Comet Cleaners
Green Earth Cleaning
EPA Perc Fact Sheet
Organic Consumers Association
The Ecological Impacts of
Agricultural Biotechnology; Yale Global Online
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Source: E/The Environmental Magazine