by Jason Bush
With oil still hovering near $ 50 a barrel, the last thing people want to
hear is that there's even less of the stuff out there than previously thought.
This year investors in the oil industry have been shaken by the revelation that
Shell overstated its proven reserves by at least 23 %, some 4.5 bn barrels, with
more possible downgrades to come. There's growing disquiet that other major oil
companies may also have inflated reserves. But according to auditors with a worm's-eye view of what's actually going on
in the depths of Siberia, such estimates may just scratch the surface of
Russia's real potential. According to a recent study by Dallas-based energy
reserve auditors DeGolyer & MacNaughton, whose clients include leading
Russian energy companies such as Gazprom and Yukos, Russia's true recoverable
reserves are between 150 bn barrel. and 200 bn barrel. Why such a big gap in the estimates? Because it's one thing to be sitting on
oil reserves, another to be able to exploit them commercially. But as Russian oil companies adopt technologies, such as horizontal wells and
computerized reservoir management systems, the estimated recovery rates are
being revised. Thanks to new techniques, which make it possible to obtain oil
even from apparently depleted fields, Russian oil companies already have managed
to boost their output by 50 % since 1998. This increasing recoverability, and not dramatic new discoveries of oil,
explains why Russia's proven reserves keep shooting up. The leading Russian oil
companies have all announced big increases this year, following independent
international audits. LUKoil, Russia's largest oil outfit, saw a boost of 4.7 %
in proven reserves both this year and last, according to Society of Petroleum
Engineers (SPE) standards. The growth in Russia's proven reserves is mainly happening at existing fields
in western Siberia, a supposedly "mature" region where production had
been declining until recently. DeGolyer & MacNaughton predicts that western
Siberia could boost its output to 10 mm barrel a day by 2012, up from less than
6mm at present, and keep production at that level for at least 10 years. But tapping Russia's vast oil pool will require billions in investment,
especially in export pipelines. Although on course for 8 % growth this year,
production gains could slow as export bottlenecks appear. But infrastructure
investment is likely to go up in tandem with reserve estimates.
Source: MSNBCOil: What's Russia really sitting on?
But there's one place -- Russia -- where reserve estimates just seem to go up
and up. In its annual statistical survey of world energy, BP has recently
revised its estimates of Russia's total proven oil reserves to 69.1 bn barrels,
6 % of the world's total, up from 45 bn barrel. in 2001.
That's up from industry estimates of 100 bn barrel a few years ago.
In Russia's main oil-producing region in western Siberia, proven reserves
represent just 18 % to 24 % of all oil in the ground, in contrast to about 45 %
in Western oil-producing regions such as Alaska and the North Sea.
"The biggest thing is the [new] technology being deployed in western
Siberia. The results are beginning to show," says Martin Wiewiorowski,
senior vice-president of DeGolyer & MacNaughton in Moscow.
No. 2 producer Yukos, meanwhile, jumped 13.2 % this year, according to stringent
standards set by the US Securities & Exchange Commission.
The use of even newer technologies available by then means that western Siberian
oil production may not decline for decades to come. Russia's reserve potential
is vaster still when undeveloped regions, such as the Arctic, the Caspian, and
in particular eastern Siberia, are factored in. And then there's Russia's
plentiful supply of natural gas. It is already acknowledged as having the
world's largest gas reserves, with 47 tcm, or 26.7 % of global reserves.
If Russia finds a way to get all that lovely oil to needy international
consumers, its days as a global energy powerhouse could be just beginning.