Panel issues US energy plan pushing production, conservation

Washington (Platts)--8Dec2004

A bipartisan group of US energy experts Wednesday released a broad energy
strategy aimed at ending what the group's chairman described as the "political
and regional polarization" that has prevented the US from "adopting sensible
approaches" to the country's biggest energy problems. 

The group, which
includes officials from industry, government, labor, academia, and
environmental and consumers organizations, called for enhancing US oil
security by, among other things, increasing and diversifying world oil
production, while expanding the global network of strategic petroleum
reserves, "significantly strengthening" federal fuel economy standards no
later than 2010 and providing over ten years $3-bil in consumer and
manufacturer incentives to encourage US oil production and boost sales of
hybrid and fuel-efficient vehicles. The report by the National Commission on
Energy Policy estimates that the recommendation could cut US oil consumption
in 2025 by 3-mil to 5-mil b/d.

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