Disruption of Wildlife
Populations Forecast in Wildlife Society Report on Global Warming
December 15, 2004 — By National Wildlife Federation
"Profound Threat to Wildlife as We Know It"
WASHINGTON, DC - In the first comprehensive assessment of global warming's
likely consequences for North American wildlife from the nation's leading group
of wildlife professionals, comes a warning of possible major shifts in the
ranges and the restructuring of entire plant and animal communities, and the
disappearance of some forest types in the United States. The Wildlife Society
report, Global Climate Change and Wildlife in North America, finds that
"there is sufficient evidence to indicate that many species are already
responding to warming, and that animals and plants are already exhibiting
discernible range changes consistent with changing temperatures."
The report also details the disruption of essential ecological processes,
displacement or disappearance of coastal wetlands species, significant loss of
coastal marshes and disruption of alpine and Arctic ecosystems. Direct threats
to many species are reported, including polar bears, migratory songbirds and
waterfowl and alpine amphibians.
6+ "Global warming presents a profound threat to wildlife as we know it in
this country," says Douglas B. Inkley, National Wildlife Federation Senior
Science Advisor and chair of the eight-person review committee of The Wildlife
Society that wrote the report. "Decades of conservation progress and our
responsibility to assure a wildlife legacy for future generations rest upon our
determination to overcome this threat."
"We're concerned about the effects of global warming on wildlife in North
America, and this assessment verifies that some species already are responding
to climate change," said Tom Franklin, acting Executive Director of The
Wildlife Society.
Founded in 1937 and currently with nearly 9,000 members, The Wildlife Society is
the nation's preeminent association of wildlife professionals, including
wildlife biologists and research scientists, habitat managers, field
technicians, educators and wildlife agency administrators.
"The Wildlife Society is the gold standard for wildlife
professionals," says Larry J. Schweiger, President of the National Wildlife
Federation. "The evidence marshaled in this report is a message to every
American who cares about wildlife to awaken to global warming's threat and to
rally to the cause to confront it."
Previous reports from The Wildlife Society have played a significant role in
determining major trends in wildlife conservation and influencing public policy.
Reports from The Wildlife Society on wolf restoration (1991), acid rain (1993)
and conservation opportunities in the national Farm Bill (1995), for example,
articulated a consensus among wildlife professionals that ultimately played out
in national policy reform and innovation. Global Climate Change and Wildlife in
North America is the distillation of a two-year review by a professional panel
of hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific reports examining the wildlife
implications of global warming.
The report's major findings include:
- During this century "the ranges of habitats and wildlife are
predicted to generally move northward as temperatures increase." The
ability of plants and animals to shift to new ranges in response to climate
change, however, will be limited by several factors, including migratory
pathways, pollinator availability and the concurrent movement of forage and
prey. "One of our concerns is that many plant and animal populations
may not be able to make the shift as their ranges move northward because
migratory corridors may already be closed off by urban sprawl, cities and
agriculture," Inkley says.
- Diverse responses to climate change by interdependent species "could
cause significant restructuring of existing plant and animal
communities." Changes in the timing and length of seasons due to global
warming may cause closely interacting species to become out of phase,
disrupting essential ecological processes such as pollination, seed
dispersal and insect control by birds.
- Effects of global warming on populations and range distributions of
wildlife are expected to be species specific and highly variable, with some
effects considered negative and others considered positive. "In plain
language, restructuring existing wildlife communities means we face the
prospect that the world of wildlife that we now know and many of the places
we've invested decades of work in conserving as refuges and habitats for
wildlife will cease to exist as we know them, unless we change this
forecast," Inkley says. "The case of a pollinator bird being able
to make the range shift while the plant it pollinates cannot may be
replicated in innumerable interdependent relationships, leaving us a world
of wildlife diminished beyond our current capacity of prediction. Wildlife
refuges and other areas protected for their wildlife values may simply no
longer support much of the wildlife that is currently there as wildlife
ranges shift in response to climate change."
- In the southeastern United States, the range of the dominant pine and
hardwood forests is projected to expand northward while the conifer forests
of New England and much of the Northeast are expected to change to temperate
deciduous forests similar to those today found in southeastern Pennsylvania
and northern Virginia. "Some forest species such as sugar maple are
projected to disappear entirely from the United States over the next
- Projected sea level rise due to global climate change may cause some
wildlife species to be displaced inland or disappear entirely if their
lowland wetlands are rapidly inundated, "critical mudflats used by
migratory shorebirds" may be flooded, and "submergence of coastal
marshes is expected to be most severe along the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic
- "Even a small amount of warming may eliminate some wetland plant and
animal species in alpine regions because there is little opportunity to
disperse among these isolated habitats."
- "Loss of sea-ice will likely directly affect marine mammals and
seabirds dependent upon ice shelves and flows as platforms for reproduction,
pupping, nesting and migration." Polar bears, walrus, ringed seals and
bearded seals are considered particularly vulnerable to loss of sea-ice.
- In areas where warming is greatest, "changes in forest dynamics due
to disease and insects are very likely." In conjunction with rapid
Arctic warming from 1992 through 1996, the report notes, a sustained
outbreak of spruce bark beetles has caused over 2.3 million acres of tree
mortality in Alaska. "This was the largest loss to spruce bark beetles
ever recorded in North America."
- "Amphibian populations and distributions are likely to change
significantly as air and water temperatures change," with species
inhabiting high-altitude areas being particularly at risk.
- "Climate change may cause a mismatch in the timing of breeding
between birds and their prey."
- In the Prairie Pothole Region from northern Iowa to central Alberta - the
duck factory of North America - "most scenarios and models projected
significant declines in wetlands, and thus declines in the abundance of
breeding ducks in this region by the 2080s." Projected declines in duck
breeding range between nine and 69 percent.
"In this report, The Wildlife Society has fulfilled the great purpose
of laying out for the first time the full dimensions of global warming's
forecast for wildlife," Schweiger says. "Now, it is incumbent upon
us to change that forecast. The talent and resources of the National
Wildlife Federation are pledged to that end. "We look especially to the
nation's hunters and anglers, who have been America's frontline for
conservation for more than a century, to rise to this challenge."
Based on the report, The Wildlife Society will consider adopting formal
policy recommendations at its March meeting. In draft form, those
recommendations now include measures such as reduction of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gas emissions and that state and federal wildlife agencies
consider climate change in developing long-range wildlife management plans
and strategies.
"We need to build support for a workable, market-based approach that
will first cap and then begin to reduce this nation's carbon pollution
emissions," says Jeremy Symons, manager of the National Wildlife
Federation's Climate Change and Wildlife program. "That is the approach
taken in legislation sponsored in Congress by Senators John McCain and Joe
In addition to Inkley, The Wildlife Society panel responsible for the report
includes Michael G. Anderson, Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research
at Ducks Unlimited, Canada; Andrew R. Blaustein, Department of Zoology,
Oregon State University; Virginia R. Burkett, National Wetlands Research
Center, Lafayette, La.; Benjamin Felzer, The Ecosystems Center, Marine
Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.; Brad Griffith, Biological
Resources Division Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and
Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska; Jeff Price, American Bird
Conservancy in Chico, Ca.; and Terry L. Root, Center for Environmental
Science and Policy, Institute for International Studies, Stanford
Protecting wildlife through education and action since 1936, the National
Wildlife Federation is America's conservation organization creating
solutions that balance the needs of people and wildlife now and for future
Global Climate Change and Wildlife in North America is available in PDF
format at: www.nwf.org/news
Contact: Christine Dorsey - 202-797-6806