Salem units to return after closing due to oil spill

Washington (Platts)--13Dec2004

The Salem units are being readied for restart following an oil spill that
prompted PSEG Nuclear to shut the two 1,170-MW PWRs early this month. Salem-2
was to be reconnected to the grid this evening, with unit 1 to follow later in
the week, said PSEG Nuclear spokesman Skip Sindoni. Unit 2 was shut Dec. 3 and
unit 1 on Dec. 4 due to the Athos I tanker spill into the Delaware River Nov.
26. The units use the river for cooling water. Sindoni said management
approved the startup yesterday. Monitoring equipment showed that conditions in
the river would not impact the company's ability to safely operate the plant,
he said. PSEG Nuclear will continue monitoring during the units' startup and
for "an extended period of time" afterward to look for any impact from oil in
the river, he said. The U.S. Coast Guard said today that the cleanup effort
continues. Oil impacted about 126 miles of shoreline, and 70 miles of that
shoreline has patches of a very light sheen of oil, it said.

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