"The Daschle proposal will ensure all the ethanol used to comply with
an RFS is produced here in the U.S. - creating jobs, boosting farm income, and
enhancing energy security."
- Bob Dinneen, President for the Renewable Fuels Association
Washington, DC -- July 27, 2004 [SolarAccess.com]
Domestic production or import consumption is the obvious debate whenever a new
product is introduced to the market. Ethanol could have a strong future as a
domestically produced renewable fuel, and with government support ethanol could
offer the U.S. a way to lower its dependence of foreign sources of energy.
However, if the U.S. starts to rely on imported ethanol the country could miss a
valuable domestic industry.
Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) has introduced legislation that
would prevent imported ethanol from qualifying for credit under renewable fuels
standard (RFS) legislation. Implementing an RFS of 5 billion gallons by 2012 is
part of various House and Senate passed energy bills.
"One of the key reasons to establish a robust RFS is to increase the use of
domestic, renewable fuels and Sen. Daschle's legislation preserves that
goal," said Bob Dinneen, who is the president for the Renewable Fuels
Association. "The Daschle proposal will ensure all the ethanol used to
comply with an RFS is produced here in the U.S. - creating jobs, boosting farm
income, and enhancing energy security."
Enacting an RFS would require petroleum refiners and marketers to gradually
increase their use of renewable fuels, like ethanol and biodiesel, to 5 billion
gallons per year in 2012. Under the Daschle plan, only ethanol produced in the
United States would count toward the 5 billion gallon requirement. While
petroleum companies would be free to use imported ethanol, it would not qualify
toward their RFS obligation.
Sen. Daschle isn't the only politician pushing to protect American producers of
ethanol. Senate Finance Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-IA) also introduced
legislation that would prevent an increasing amount of imported ethanol from
bypassing the standard import tariff.
"Sen. Grassley's bill will protect the American taxpayer from incentivizing
foreign ethanol," said Dinneen. "Foreign ethanol producers receive
plenty of assistance from their own governments. They don't need the U.S.
taxpayers' help as well. By protecting the integrity of the U.S. ethanol
program, the Grassley bill will create jobs, boost farm income, and enhance U.S.
energy security."
In order to promote ethanol use, petroleum companies in the U.S. currently
receive a federal excise tax exemption of 5.2 cents per gallon on a gallon of
gasoline blended with 10 percent ethanol. An offsetting tariff of 54 cents per
gallon of imported ethanol was established to protect the U.S. Treasury from
funding foreign ethanol production. Ethanol imports from certain countries were
exempted from this tariff under the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) in order to
spur economic development. According to the RFA, the program has not led to new
investment in CBI countries. Rather, the same companies participate in this
market today as when the program began 16 years ago. The Grassley legislation
would protect companies currently utilizing the CBI provision, but would cap the
amount of ethanol that can enter the U.S. duty-free.
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