Solar Concentrator Hydrogen Testing Proves Successful


July 9, 2004 []

SHEC- Labs (Solar Hydrogen Energy Corporation) said they completed their first "on sun" production of Hydrogen from water, using their proprietary Solar Thermal Chemical Process on June 8th, and again June 28th, 2004. Tapping the hot Arizona sun and a new Solar Concentrator developed by the Lab, the research team said they were able to extract Hydrogen from water at a temperature of 850 degrees Celsius. The Hydrogen production was accomplished at the APS (Arizona Public Service) Solar Test and Research Facility in Tempe, Arizona. This successful test was the second for SHEC-Labs, according to the company. In Late May of this year the team produced Hydrogen from Natural Gas using a similar technology. SHEC-Labs is planning additional tests in the next few weeks, using a variety of catalysts and temperatures.

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