CHICAGO, June 7 /PRNewswire/ -- When 50 million electricity customers in the Northeast and parts of Canada lost power last August in the largest blackout in North American history, ComEd knew there would be major lessons to be learned and took action. "Even though the blackout did not affect ComEd, we consider it our responsibility to learn from history," said Susan Ivey, vice president of Transmission Operations and Planning for Exelon Energy Delivery. "Whenever a major event like this occurs, there are critical lessons in the findings that can result in improved reliability. Although a disturbance of such magnitude is highly unlikely to originate on the ComEd system, we took this opportunity to improve aspects of our operations and minimize potential risks." ComEd formed a cross-functional team to perform a self-assessment of its transmission operating practices and vegetation management practices. The team focused its examination on the industry findings of the root causes of the blackout issued last November in the interim report of the U.S.- Canada Power System Outage Task Force. After interviewing utilities affected by the blackout and identifying best practices in the industry, ComEd's assessment resulted in about 50 actions that were completed in time for summer. Additional longer-term actions are scheduled for completion within the next year. "The work performed as a result of the assessment will enhance our transmission system reliability, which is reassuring for our customers, particularly now, as we head into the peak summer season," Ivey said. The team studied five key areas involved in the blackout and recommended enhancements to ComEd practices consistent with the recommendation made by the Task Force to address the "3 Ts" -- trees, tools and training. Highlights of the improvements centered around formalizing procedures for vegetation management, making critical computer systems more user-friendly and informative, enhancing operations processes to improve operator response to alarms and emergent issues, expanding emergency response procedures and improving training. "The blackout was a wake up call to our industry. Our purpose in conducting this assessment was to learn all we could from the conditions that led to the blackout, and to take quick action to enhance reliability for our customers," Ivey said. Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd) is a unit of Chicago-based Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC) one of the nation's largest electric utilities with more than $15 billion in revenues and a customer base of five million. ComEd provides service to approximately 3.5 million customers across Northern Illinois, or 70 percent of the state's population.SOURCE Commonwealth Edison Company
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