New poll confirms Canadians want Green Power

Nov 24, 2004 - Canada Newswire


TORONTO, Nov. 24 /CNW/ - Eighty-seven per cent of Canadian voters support the use of green power as a source of electricity, according to a national poll on Green Power released today by Oraclepoll Research on behalf of Pollution Probe.

The research shows:

- Three-quarters of Canadians believe that it is very important for the federal and provincial governments to work together to develop Green Power in Canada over the next twenty years.

- Green Power (i.e., wind, solar, small hydro, geothermal) is the preferred electricity supply source for 60% of Canadians followed by large hydro projects (20%) and natural gas-fired power plants (15%).

Nuclear power is the preferred electricity source of only 5% of voters. At the bottom of the list is coal-fired power which is the preferred option for only 1% of Canadians.

- Canadians are willing to pay extra for Green Power to improve air quality, with 48% prepared to pay more than $5 per month and 60% prepared to pay more than $2 per month.

"It's time for Canada's federal and provincial governments to develop aggressive policies to promote the use of green power," said Ken Ogilvie, Executive Director of Pollution Probe. "We believe that green power has the potential to supply at least 25 per cent of Canada's electricity by 2025 and 50 per cent in the long term."

For the National Survey Report on Green Power (complete poll results) and for more information on Pollution Probe's Green Power Vision and Strategy for Canada please visit // www.polluti

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