The Arsenic Water Technology Partnership Program—a research partnership between Sandia National Laboratories, WERC (a consortium for environmental education and technology development), the Awwa Research Foundation (AwwaRF), and the Department of Energy (DOE)—has announced five requests for proposals (RFPs) on projects that focus on treatment technologies for removing arsenic from drinking water.
The proposals could result in up to 12 projects with $1.65 million in funding available.
The Arsenic Water Technology Partnership Program was formed last year to enable water utilities, particularly those serving small, rural communities and Indian tribes, to implement the most cost-effective solutions for arsenic removal. The goal of the partnership is to bring new and innovative technologies from the laboratory into full-scale use. Data from the projects will provide utilities with the information necessary to make sound decisions on arsenic treatment.
RFPs for the arsenic projects are available on the AwwaRF website Guidelines for submitting a proposal are also available on the site. The deadline for proposals is December 15, 2004.
Source: AWWARF November 8, 2004