Hydrogen and fuel cells receive funding for renewables in U.S.
MONTPELIER, Vermont, US, 2004-10-27
(Refocus Weekly)
Renewable energy programs in the United States have US$50 to $60 million a year available for fuel cell research, according to a survey by the Public Fuel Cell Alliance.
PFCA surveyed 19 of its members to assess the level of state funding support
for fuel cell and hydrogen programs. It found up to $5 million is targeted each
year exclusively for hydrogen programs, and $50 to $60 million that is available
from renewable energy programs that can include fuel cell technology.
Two of the 19 groups have dedicated fuel cells programs, three have specific
programs and one has specific programs for each. All of the remaining
organizations have general renewable technologies programs in which fuel cells
are included.
The organizations include the Public Interest Energy Research Program of the
California Energy Commission, Sustainable Development Fund of the Reinvestment
Fund in Pennsylvania, Sustainable Energy Fund of Central Eastern Pennsylvania,
Delaware Green Energy Program, Michigan Next Energy, Ohio Department of Economic
Development, Texas State Energy Conservation Office, New Jersey Office of Clean
Energy, Illinois Department of Commerce & Community Affairs, Illinois
Coalition, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, Bonneville Power Administration, Long
Island Power Authority, Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation, Xcel Energy
Renewable Energy Development Fund, Hawaii State Department of Business,
Rhode Island Renewable Energy Fund, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
Renewable Energy Trust and the Delaware Economic Development Office.
PFCA is a consortium of federal and state-based funding programs investing in
fuel cell and hydrogen infrastructure development.
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