Accident-Hit Utility Kansai Electric Completes Checks on All Nuclear Reactors |
Oct 08 - Kyodo News International, Tokyo
Oct. 8--FUKUI, Japan -- Kansai Electric Power Co., operator of the accident-hit Mihama nuclear power plant, on Friday reported to a panel of safety experts in Fukui Prefecture that it had completed inspections of all its nuclear reactors that were shut down following a fatal accident in August.
The panel plans to approve the resumption of operations at the Oi nuclear plant's No. 1 reactor and Mihama's No. 1 and No. 2 reactors. The power company said it has completed replacing eroded water piping at the three reactors, all in Fukui Prefecture.
Kansai Electric shut down all its nuclear reactors for inspections after a badly corroded coolant pipe in the No. 3 reactor at Mihama ruptured in August, spilling out superheated steam that killed four workers and injured seven others, one of whom died later.
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