MMS, Coast Guard revise cooperation pact to deal with LNG ports
Washington (Platts)--30Sep2004
The US Minerals Management Service and the US Coast Guard on Thursday revised a memorandum of understanding between the two agencies on regulation of oil and gas activities on the Outer Continental Shelf, done in part to deal with the growing interest in building LNG import facilities. The MOU details how the two agencies will work together to regulate offshore activities and facilities to keep pace with an energy industry facing evolving technologies and new engineering standards, the agencies said. MMS Director Johnnie Burton and the Commandant of the Coast Guard Admiral Thomas Collins signed the new MOU. The two agencies also signed a Memorandum of Agreement, which is the first in a series of documents to outline agency responsibilities on specific technical areas ranging from deepwater ports to oil spill response. MMS Associate Director for Offshore Minerals Management Tom Readinger and the Coast Guards Rear Admiral Thomas Gilmour, assistant commandant for marine safety, security and environmental protection, signed the MOA. That agreement is designed to reduce duplication of effort by developing common, compatible regulations and policies and encouraging adoption of similar codes and standards. The Coast Guard and MMS have already received at least three applications from energy companies interested in building offshore LNG importation facilities, and additional applications are expected in the next few years.
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