Public Citizen: Nuclear regulations influenced by contributions

Washington (Platts)--18Oct2004

Large contributions from the nuclear industry appear to have influenced the
Bush administration on security matters for commercial nuclear plants and
other major infrastructure in the U.S., asserts the advocacy group Public
Citizen. In a report issued today, "Homeland Unsecured: The Bush
Administration's Hostility to Regulation and Ties to Industry Leave America
Vulnerable," the group claims there is a link between the donations and
regulatory requirements for protecting reactors, chemical plants, ports,
hazardous material transport, and water systems from a terrorist attack. The
report says the Nuclear Energy Institute, nuclear plant owners, and other
industry companies have contributed a total of nearly $8-million to the Bush
campaigns since the 2000 election cycle. The report said the result of the
contributions is that the "administration is heavily indebted to the nuclear
industry and electric utilities for generous campaign contributions."

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