$22m for US farm renewables

Tuesday 21 September 2004

farmingThe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued $22 million in renewable energy and energy efficiency grants for projects across rural America, in what is being seen as one of the most significant clean energy developments by the Bush Administration.

The funding, which comes under the Farm Bill, is aimed at assisting farmers and rural communities with rising energy costs. It is also an increase on previous grants. The move signifies that renewables and energy efficiency are seen as effective routes to savings by the US Government.

"The farm economy has been hit hard by high energy prices, which also affect fertilizer and other costs. This program helps farmers control costs, which reduces inflationary pressure on food prices," said William Prindle, from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. "Our research has shown that saving energy not only cuts energy bills for consumers who invest in efficiency, it also reduces energy prices for all consumers."