Global Cooperation, Research Key to Solving Energy Challenges
May 24, 2004 (STATE DEPARTMENT RELEASE/ContentWorks via COMTEX)
The world faces profound energy and environmental challenges that can be successfully addressed only through international cooperation and coordinated scientific research and technology development, said U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham May 20 in London.
"We will simply be unable to find and employ the energy we need in an
environmentally acceptable manner without breakthroughs -- major breakthroughs
-- in science and technology," he said. And since no single nation has
sufficient financial resources or knowledge, "what is needed is a global
science and technology model for future energy needs."
"Under President Bush we have invested more in science, technology, and
basic research than at any time in history, with the possible exception of the
extraordinary effort put forth in the 1960s to put a man on the moon," said
Abraham, adding that the United States is "pursuing initiatives that, if
realized, will help us leapfrog today's energy challenges."
The Department of Energy (DOE) "is spearheading efforts to speed the
coming of the hydrogen economy," he said, also citing efforts to create the
world's first zero-emissions fossil fuel plant. DOE is also working to promote
carbon sequestration, develop advanced technologies to improve nuclear power
generation and promote energy efficiency and renewable energy.
In terms of scientific research, the United States has plans to build the
world's fastest supercomputer, which will be open to all users, a demonstration
fusion power plant, and five nanoscience centers, among other initiatives.
"We are best served by viewing our energy challenges as common
challenges, which can be met by working together to develop common
solutions," Abraham said.
"Focused science and technology, cutting edge research and development,
heightened international cooperation -- this is the path to energy and
environmental security in the 21st century."
Mankind has solved great problems by developing and applying revolutionary
new technologies such as airplanes, telegraph and telephone lines, and medical
breakthroughs. "The 21st century, I am convinced, will see the same happen
for energy and the environment," Abraham said. "But only if we take
the right steps now."
Following is the text of his prepared remarks:
(begin text)
U.S. Department of Energy
May 20, 2004
Chatham House, London
I would like to take this opportunity to discuss one of the central questions
of our time, and that is the question of how the world should address the
profound energy challenges it will face in the 21st century.
This group understands better than most the outlines of these challenges. The
demand for oil is increasing, not just in the United States and Great Britain
but around the world, particularly in rapidly growing economies in nations like
China and India. The global demand for natural gas is also growing strongly, and
we expect to see pressure on this resource increase as well.
Of particular concern is the fact that we expect to see demand for energy,
and especially electric energy, accelerate in the large population centers of
the Third World. There, we will see a requirement for large -- very large --
power production facilities as increased population joins with a growing world
economy to put more and more stress on energy supplies.
Tied to the growing demand for energy are a host of environmental challenges,
from air pollution and its effects on human health to questions about global
climate change.
Finding a path to meet the dual challenges of energy security and
environmental stewardship will require global cooperation. Where better to
discuss the ways and means of international cooperation than here at Chatham
House. And frankly, who better to engage in such a conversation than we -- the
Americans and the British -- two nations that fashioned an alliance that, for
all the challenges we have faced, must be seen as perhaps the most resilient and
successful in history.
Now it seems clear, as we think about meeting the energy challenges that
confront us, that no matter what regulatory model one adopts, no matter how we
structure our economies, we will simply be unable to find and employ the energy
we need in an environmentally acceptable manner without breakthroughs -- major
breakthroughs -- in science and technology.
Indeed, whether one wishes to extend the usefulness of fossil fuels well into
this century, extend the use of nuclear fission reactors, move toward renewables
such as wind, biomass and solar power, or fuel the world with fusion reactors,
no matter your preference, the common thread in realizing each future energy
vision is some kind of major advance in science and technology.
It also seems clear that no single nation can be assumed to have either the
financial resources, or more importantly, the human ingenuity, to generate on
its own the kind of scientific advances that will be needed to meet the world's
demand for increasing amounts of energy.
What is needed is a global science and technology model for future energy
This is what we are pursuing in the Bush Administration. We believe the
global energy challenge demands a global science and technology response -- one
that includes work on technology development that will be useful in the short
term, and also one that includes far-reaching fundamental scientific research
that may only bear fruit in the time frame of half a century or more.
Under President Bush we have invested more in science, technology, and basic
research than at any time in history, with the possible exception of the
extraordinary effort put forth in the 1960s to put a man on the moon. The
President's 2005 budget requests $132 billion for scientific and technological
research and development, a 44 percent increase since George Bush took office.
In fact, non-defense R&D is the highest percentage of GDP since 1982. And
today we are spending $5 billion per year on climate change alone, more than the
rest of the industrialized world.
Across the Administration, we are pursuing initiatives that, if realized,
will help us leapfrog today's energy challenges. And they point us toward a day
when the thorniest problems we now face are looked back on with nostalgia, all
because we devised fantastic scientific and technological wonders that rendered
those problems moot.
So I ask you to imagine a day when the enormous energy requirements of large
industrial centers throughout the world will be met by a power plant fueled by
little more than sea water and that produces virtually no harmful emissions.
Or to imagine a day when scientists use super-intense light -- even more
intense than the sun -- to investigate the smallest particles known to man in an
effort to devise 21st century fuels. Or to imagine a day when computers the size
of a grain of sand are performing millions of calculations per second, providing
avenues for controlling and monitoring energy use that will revolutionize energy
Or to imagine a day when specially designed microbes eat the pollution and
carbon dioxide from a coal fired power plant. These and indeed other wonders can
be realized if we, the nations with the know-how and resources, invest today in
the scientists and scientific facilities that can develop revolutionary ways to
power our homes, businesses, schools, and automobiles.
Let me take a few moments to review the steps the Bush Administration -- and
the Department of Energy in particular -- already are taking in that regard,
programs that are transforming the way we produce and use energy.
Our Department is spearheading efforts to speed the coming of the hydrogen
economy. By working to develop automotive systems that run on hydrogen-powered
fuel cells, and the infrastructure to support them, we will increase our energy
independence while safeguarding the environment.
Last year the President pledged an initial investment of $1.7 billion over
five years to kick off an accelerated effort aimed at getting hydrogen fuel
cell-powered cars into showrooms and onto the roads by the end of the next
Just last month, we announced the first $350 million in grants and awards to
partners in industry, government, and academia for large-scale hydrogen
demonstration projects. These grants back up what we've been saying about
hydrogen, and show our commitment to action and achievement.
We are moving forward on hydrogen internationally as well. Last November, the
United States hosted the inaugural meeting of the International Partnership for
the Hydrogen Economy [IPHE].
We brought together 15 countries and the European Commission to work on fuel
cells and other energy technologies of the future. That meeting was a success,
and has helped launch widespread international cooperation on research for fuel
cell high-temperature membranes, hydrogen storage materials, and renewable
energy hydrogen production.
The IPHE encourages all the nations interested in hydrogen to pool scarce
resources, to have our scientists and engineers share knowledge, and to lay
important pre-competitive groundwork, like developing interoperable codes and
standards. Another program we are very excited about is our plan to build an
entirely clean coal fired power plant.
The United States has 250 years worth of coal reserves. Nations like Russia,
China, India, Australia and, of course, the United Kingdom similarly will use
coal for large portions of their electricity generation in the years ahead. The
challenge, therefore, is to find a way to allow us and others to use coal, but
to do so in a manner that safeguards the environment and reduces greenhouse
gases. That's why we launched the FutureGen project last year.
FutureGen is a 10-year, $1 billion program to create the world's first
zero-emissions fossil fuel plant. When operational, it will be the cleanest
fossil fueled power plant in the world. Virtually every aspect of the FutureGen
prototype plant will employ cutting-edge technology. Rather than using
traditional coal combustion technology, it will rely on coal gasification. And
because of this advanced process, we envision that FutureGen also will be able
to produce large amounts of transportation-grade hydrogen fuel.
Because of the obvious international application of FutureGen, we are opening
it up to global participation, and we hope to establish a number of partnerships
with other nations soon.
A related technology we are pursuing to ensure the continued use of coal is
carbon sequestration. Carbon sequestration -- the process of removing carbon
dioxide from fossil fuel emissions streams and permanently storing it in deep
underground formations -- can allow the world to continue using affordable
fossil fuels like coal without adverse environmental impacts.
Last June, we brought together representatives from 13 countries to form the
Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum and build on international interest in
this sort of work. This global consortium has already begun investigating ways
to sequester greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.
The Department of Energy is also working on advanced technologies to improve
nuclear power generation. The United States is a very active member of the
Generation IV international nuclear energy consortium. This group seeks to
develop technologies that improve safety performance, waste reduction and
proliferation resistance while providing a nuclear energy option that is
economically competitive and ready for deployment before 2030. Our nuclear
scientists at the Argonne National Laboratory and the Idaho National Engineering
and Environmental Laboratory plan to have one or more reactor designs certified
by 2030, in time to replace reactors built in the United States during the 1970s
and 1980s.
Complementing these activities is our Department's work promoting energy
efficiency and renewable energy. The Department oversees a multitude of programs
designed to come up with ways to use current energy sources more economically,
and to develop technologies such as wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass to help
us meet our energy and environmental goals. This year we are seeking more, in
nominal dollars, for these programs than Congress provided last year or any
prior year in the last two decades.
I am particularly proud that our two governments just signed two agreements
-- the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership [REEEP] last month,
and the Efficient Energy for Sustainable Development Partnership [EESD] earlier
today -- that will work to improve the efficiency and productivity of energy
systems and will enhance renewable energy's price competitiveness and market
Taken together, the global scope of all these initiatives signals a powerful
commitment on the part of the Bush Administration to address demands for clean,
abundant, and affordable energy that all nations require.
But even these steps will fall short unless we nurture the kind of basic
scientific research that pushes technology forward. Look around you, from your
desktop computer to medical imaging technology, and you will see the fruits of
fundamental research.
But this kind of research demands foresight and investment in the future. It
demands that we build the research facilities that modern interdisciplinary
science requires. And it demands that we encourage the next generation to take
up science as a career, or at the very least to become scientifically literate
We at the Department of Energy are very serious about the responsibility we
have to the future of science.
Just last week, I announced our plans to build the fastest supercomputer in
the world that will be open to all users. We are making this significant
investment in our scientific infrastructure with the expectation that it will
yield a wealth of dividends -- major research breakthroughs, significant
technological innovations, and medical and health advances. But we are also
making this investment because we recognize that supercomputing underpins
virtually everything that happens in science today.
We can use supercomputers to simulate a design for an efficient and
environmentally benign coal burning boiler, or a super-clean diesel engine, or a
radically improved gas turbine for generating electricity.
Today, in fact, scientists regard computers not just as a tool to crunch
numbers, but as a tool for discovery that is just as important as
Our supercomputer initiative is one of the lead programs in the Department's
20- year roadmap for future scientific facilities that I announced last
Our facilities plan sets out the major opportunities for scientific discovery
that we see unfolding over the next two decades. This blueprint for the future
of science presents a prioritized list of 28 new facilities, or upgrades to
existing facilities, that we believe hold the greatest promise for advancing the
frontiers of science and technology.
Another top priority on that list is a good example of what I noted earlier
about the absolute necessity for international cooperation on science as
together we seek to meet the world's energy demands. The international fusion
project known as ITER -- the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor --
will, if successful, provide us the final experiment before we move to build a
demonstration fusion power plant.
Fusion power itself is one of those future technologies, driven by success in
basic research, that could truly transform the world's energy equation. From an
inexhaustible and entirely clean fuel source, a fusion plant could generate huge
amounts of electricity during the day to power mega-cities, and at night produce
hydrogen for transportation needs. It carries with it -- comparatively speaking
-- virtually no security concerns with respect to proliferation, and it produces
no long-term waste. We do not know, of course, if we can realize fusion's
potential. We do know that it is our responsibility to try.
I do not want to list or discuss all the science machines we are thinking
about -- they cover the waterfront of opportunities in chemistry, biology, high
energy, nuclear physics, and materials science -- but I do want to emphasize how
this facilities plan and the other work we are now doing might impact the energy
mission of my department and transform the way we fuel the economy of the 21st
Take just one example in the area of materials. The Department is now
building five nanoscience centers at our National Laboratories. Each of these
will work on different aspects of this new area of study, but the overall goal
is the same -- to build new materials, atom-by-atom, and provide revolutionary
ways to address some of the most vexing energy production challenges.
Fusion will require advances in materials, as will our next generation of
nuclear reactor. It is hoped that advances in nanoscience will provide us with
true breakthroughs in fuel cell technology as well as huge boosts in the
efficiency of solar power. Everywhere you look in the energy field, you will see
ways that progress in fundamental materials science can have a tremendous
That is why we have built the Spallation Neutron Source, and are even now
planning its upgrades some three years before it comes on line. The SNS, as we
call it, will provide the world's most intense supply of neutrons for scientists
to study and engineer materials. Automobile frames with twice the strength and
half the weight, new super-efficient materials for electricity transmission,
these are just a few of the possibilities we could see realized from this major
scientific project.
And so it is with so much of the Department's scientific work. Earlier, I
asked you to imagine some futuristic sounding possibilities. In truth, that
future is not so far off. Our fusion researchers, for instance, are drawing up
plans for a fusion energy plant powered by seawater.
Our Advanced Light Source, housed in Berkeley, California, is a facility that
generates intense light for scientific and technological research. How intense?
It produces light in the x-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum that is
one billion times brighter than the sun -- something that makes previously
impossible studies possible.
Our nanoscience researchers are coming up with marvels that are truly the
stuff of science fiction novels. Already we've seen advances that include laptop
computers more powerful than the mainframe systems that supported the Apollo
lunar missions --composites ten times as strong as steel -- and the ability to
engineer genes, visualize individual atoms, and put lasers on chips for portable
CD players. One must naturally conclude that future nanoscience advances -- like
the microscopic computers I mentioned earlier -- will be even more fantastic.
And, finally, our Genomes to Life program offers the truly amazing prospect
of microbial organisms that actually eat pollution. Genomes to Life is an
outgrowth of the Human Genome Project that DOE launched back in the mid 1980s --
something for which, I might add, we are seldom given credit.
Using the knowledge gained by the Human Genome Project, we are confident that
the Genomes to Life program will perfect genetic techniques to harness microbes
to consume pollution, create hydrogen, and absorb carbon dioxide.
This is not simply wishful thinking. We have seen so many times in the past
how investments in science and technology can create entirely new industries and
provide solutions to problems that seemed beyond our reach.
But as we look at modern science, we see that oftentimes -- as in the case of
ITER and other critical areas -- international cooperation is essential.
Science machines are often too costly for any one nation to go it alone. And
obviously, given the multidisciplinary nature of science today, talent from
every nation must be pooled if research is to be given its best chance to
Each of the nations of the world -- from the most advanced, like Great
Britain and the United States, to developing nations -- faces, in some form or
another, similar energy and environmental challenges for the future.
It is obvious, then, that we are best served by viewing our energy challenges
as common challenges, which can be met by working together to develop common
Focused science and technology, cutting edge research and development,
heightened international cooperation -- this is the path to energy and
environmental security in the 21st century. As the worldwide demand for energy
grows -- and it must if the world's economy is to continue to grow -- then we
have to press forward with advances in science and technology.
The history of modern civilization is a story of mankind solving great
problems by developing and applying revolutionary new technologies. Airplanes
drastically shortened distances. Telegraph and telephone lines enabled instant
communication all over the world. Medical technologies have saved and extended
countless lives. The 21st century, I am convinced, will see the same happen for
energy and the environment.
But only if we take the right steps now, working together to build greater
international science collaborations, and making our own serious commitments to
investments in basic research -- steps that will engage the machinery of
scientific and technological advancement crucial to overcoming today's
challenges and transforming the world of tomorrow.
Thank you.
(end text)
(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State.)
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