Alaska Gov. Frank H. Murkowski recently signed a law that appropriated $ 1.65 mm in state funds to help cover costs in bringing North Slope natural gas to market.
It includes $ 650,000 to fund efforts by the Alaska Natural Gas Development
Authority to develop an LNG export project.
This will permit the authority to continue efforts to identify and develop markets both on the US West Coast and in Asia, officials said.
It also will allow ANGDA to evaluate specific intrastate needs on the Kenai and
in the Anchorage area, as well as development of a petrochemical industry within
An additional $ 1 mm was authorized for issues common to all the pending
pipeline proposals, including legal opinions on the use of tax exempt bonds to
finance the pipeline, market evaluations, permitting issues, intrastate gas
consumption, and studies of the pipeline's impact on communities along its
proposed route.
Source: Oil & Gas Journal