Hydrogen: Waiting For the Revolution

May 26 - Across the Board

Everybody agrees it's the future fuel of choice, Why hasn't the future arrived?

Here's how you'll live in the Hydrogen Age: Your car, powered by hydrogen fuel cells and electric motors, quietly drives along smogfree highways. At night, when you return your vehicle to the garage, you hook up its fuel cell to a worldwide distributed-energy network; the central power grid automatically purchases your battery's leftover energy, offsetting your overall energy costs.

In the garage, you also have a suitcase-sized electrolyzer, or other conversion device, plugged into the electrical system to pump a fresh batch of hydrogen into your car. (The fuel cell uses hydrogen to produce electricity, which powers the motor.) If you need a refill as you're driving along one of the nation's highways, you pull up to a clean, quiet hydrogen fueling station to top off in less time than it takes today to fill a car with gasoline.

The electricity in your home will also come from hydrogen, either via small local fuel-cell power plants or residential fuel cells in your basement. "Moreover," says Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends and author of The Hydrogen Economy, "sensors attached to every appliance or machine powered by electricity-refrigerators, air-conditioners, washing machines, security alarmswill provide up-to-the-minute information on energy prices, as well as on temperature, light, and other environmental conditions, so that factories, offices, homes, neighborhoods, and whole communities can continuously and automatically adjust their energy consumption to one another's needs and to the energy load flowing through the system."

Japan tests Urashima, the world's first deep-sea probe to use hydrogen-based batteries.

The U.S. Department of Energy is only slightly less enthusiastic, maintaining in a report that in the hydrogen economy, "America will enjoy a secure, clean, and prosperous energy sector that will continue for generations to come. It will be produced cleanly, with near-zero net carbon emissions, and it will be transported and used safely. [Hydrogen] will be the fuel of choice for American businesses and consumers."

The new energy regime will have economic and political ramifications as well. Oil companies and utility companies will merge and morph into "energy companies" with a focus on generating renewable energy and local power distribution, including purchasing power from residential customers. Distributed energy production will also result in a worldwide "democratization of energy," bringing low- cost power to underdeveloped areas.

Oil and Hydrogen Don't Mix

Driving the interest in a hydrogen-based energy system: threats to the economy, the environment, and national security. Oil production, by current estimates, will likely peak sometime between 2020 and 2040. At this point, the world's economies will have consumed half of the known oil reserves, with two-thirds of the remaining oil in the volatile Middle East. As a result, prices will rise dramatically, and global consumers will experience increasingly frequent shortages.

Global warming is another significant threat that a shift to hydrogen might ameliorate. The release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas makes up about 85 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions in the United States. This increase has resulted in an unprecedented rate of global warming, according to most scientific experts. The thinning of the polar ice caps, the retreat of glaciers around the world, the spread of tropical diseases to more temperate climates, and the rising of global sea levels are all evidence of global warming. Says Rifkin: "Weaning the world away from a fossil-fuel energy regime will limit carbon-dioxide emissions to only twice their pre-industrial levels and mitigate the effects of global warming on the Earth's already beleaguered biosphere. "

Add to these threats the burden of growing world populations, an increasingly unstable political situation in the Middle East, and the likelihood of longer and more frequent blackouts and brownouts resulting from an aging and vulnerable power grid in the United States, and the promise of a safe, pollution-free, and distributed power system based on hydrogen becomes increasingly attractive.

Pathways and Roadblocks

Does all this sound too good to be true? It is: The hydrogen economy faces serious obstacles. More than 90 percent of the hydrogen produced today comes from reformulated natural gas generated through a process that creates a significant amount of carbon dioxide. Energy for this process, or for electrolysis, a more expensive way of generating hydrogen (see "The Mechanics of Hydrogen," left) would also come from power plants fueled by oil or natural gas. So in the near term, a shift to hydrogen will not greatly reduce the world's dependence on fossil fuels and, in fact, may well hasten the greenhouse effect and global warming by increasing carbon-dioxide emissions.

Consequently, a lot of discussion about the hydrogen economy revolves around the various "pathways," or means of producing hydrogen. Atakan Ozbek, director of energy research at AIM Research, a technology-research think tank, points out that while hydrogen can come from virtually any fuel, energy from oil and gas is currently cheaper and more efficient than energy from renewable resources such as wind, sun, or water. Then, too, in the event of an oil crisis and resultant electricity shortage, coal will likely be pressed into service, regardless of the environmental cost. Nuclear power plants can also provide electricity to create hydrogen, but nuclear energy's high cost-plus the still-hot controversy over waste disposal-make such a pathway less than certain.

"What we're trying to find out right now," Ozbek says, "is how to get hydrogen to the fuel cell in a way that is economically feasible and makes sense engineering-wise."

Environmental considerations are paramount: If coal is reintroduced in a large way into our "energy portfolio"-whether to produce hydrogen or as part of our existing energy plan to replace oil-carbon-dioxide emissions will rise significantly.

The Department of Energy roadmap anticipates this, and the DOE is funding research into the "sequestration" of carbon-dioxide gases created by coal processing and natural-gas reformation. This would involve capturing these gases at some point in the energy process and permanently storing them underground or in the ocean.

To many, this is unrealistic. Jon Ebacher, vice president of powersystems technology for GE Energy, won't say that sequestration is impossible, but his comments fall short of an endorsement. Even a fairly efficient coal plant, Ebacher says, produces millions of tons of carbon dioxide each year. "So if you're going to sequester carbon dioxide from all of the plants that use hydrocarbon fuels," he says, "that's a pretty massive undertaking."

Only a hydrogen economy based 100 percent, un renewable puwer would result in zero emissionsthe vision that has captured so many imaginations. And that vision remains decades away. In the meantime, Ebacher says, "natural gas can see us through a transition period until we get solar and other renewable-energy efficiencies up to a much higher level." That transition period, he suggests, might last twentyfive to fifty years.

President Bush peers at the future through a hydrogen-powered video camera at an exhibit on alternative-energy products.

Another potential roadblock: transport and storage of hydrogen. Less dense than other fuels, the gas must be compressed or liquefied to be stored or moved efficiently, adding to costs and inconvenience. While the existing natural-gas infrastructure would seem to offer a convenient pathway to hydrogen delivery, this can't be clone without a major retrofit. Indeed, Rbacher says, almost all of the country's existing natural-gas pipeline would have to be modified to handle hydrogen.

Finally, fuel-cell researchers must make significant advances. The power produced by a fuel cell is significantly more expensive per unit than that produced by an internal-combustion engine. Fuel- cell vehicle development is also beset by problems and costs related to type of fuel, storage, and performance. A number of prototype and "concept car" fuel-cell vehicles have been produced and displayed at auto shows and fuel-cell conferences around the world-but at a development cost of about $250,000 or more per vehicle. GM estimates that it spent between $1 million and $2 million to develop its Hy- wire fuelcell concept car. A consumer version would cost far less, obviously, but likely would still take sticker shock to a whole new dimension. (See "Is GM's Hy-Wire the Car of the Future?", page 21.)

Putting a Brake on Hydrogen Cars

Linking the hydrogen age to cars could be a critical policy mistake, according to Joseph Romm, former acting assistant secretary for the DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and author of The Hype About Hydrogen. Despite carcompany promises to have fuel-cell vehicles in dealer showrooms by 2010, if not sooner, Romm argues that the cost of fuel cells, problems with onboard storage of hydrogen in vehicles, and the issues related to creating a hydrogen delivery infrastructure are likely to push the market for hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles well into the future.

GeneralMotors' hydrogen-powered Hy-Wire concept vehicle promises zero adverse impact on the environment.

The focus on hydrogen as an immediate goal in the transportation sector amounts to confusing a means (hydrogen) with an end (greenhousegas reduction), Romm explains. This could have harmful consequences, since, he estimates, it will take thirty to fifty years for hydrogen vehicles to have a significant impact on greenhouse gases. A recent National Academy of Sciences study seconds this point, stating, "In the best-case scenario, the transition to a hydrogen economy would take many decades, and any reductions in oil imports and carbon-dioxide emissions are likely to be minor during the next twentyfive years."

"If the goal is to reduce greenhouse gases," Romm argues, "then there are technologies available right now that can have a more immediate effect"-hybrid vehicles, for instance. And diverting existing (and limited) natural-gas supplies to create hydrogen for vehicles "would make that fuel less available where its use could result in a more immediate reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions-in replacing existing oil and coal-burning electric-power plants in the nation's energy grid with cleaner natural-gas power plants."

In fact, some hydrogen-technology companies have back-burnered research and development on transportation applications. "The horizons for fuel-cell vehicles keep getting pushed out further and further, and it's unlikely that somebody's going to license and commit to a uniform, standardized hydrogen technology for at least ten to fifteen years," says Stephen Tang, an industry consultant and former president and CEU of Eatontown, N.J.-based Millennium Cell, which makes a system called Hydrogen on Demand that supplies hydrogen to fuel cells.

To pay the bills in the meantime, Tang says, "Millennium Cell has targeted markets that it believes can tolerate the price of hydrogen and fuel cells, such as consumer electronic devices, standby power, and military portables. In all of those markets, you're competing with an incumbent technology that is rather expensive in its own right and also has some limitations in performance. In these markets, then, we can focus on hydrogen as a performance fuel and not focus so much on the environmental benefits or the energyindependence benefits-attributes that buyers have difficulty valuing. It's simply a better mousetrap: Hydrogen allows you to run your cell phone much longer, or your laptop much longer, without being a slave to the energy grid or inferior batteries."

Who Will Lead?

Despite the limitations, there is growing momentum for hydrogen vehicles. Hybrid vehicles may be a "bridging technology" toward the hydrogen age, but it's one that "doesn't at all curb the nation's appetite for oil," says Chris Borroni-Bird, GM's director of design- technology fusion. Therefore, the automaker directs about a third of its R&D-over $1 billion thus far and involving more than six hundred people-toward fuel cells. The company insists that it will have a commercially viable fuel-cell vehicle available by the end of the decade.

In other business sectors, investment in hydrogen technology is slowly returning after the boom in hydrogen technology stocks in 19992000 and the subsequent bust that lasted until last year. "Behind a lot of the hype, there was tremendous capital inflow in the mid-1990s going into 2000," Tang says. Unfortunately, the number of commercial products-and the resulting revenue-in the industry have been "underwhelming" relative to investment dollars. That has made the investment community more cautious so far, but things are changing. "Right now there is a much more realistic view of the possibilities," Tang says. "The investor today is looking more toward interesting niche strategies and early market penetration rather than the hope of the mass market, the home run where fifty million cars are going to be sold with your product in it."

With the investment community poised and the technology issues coming together, says ABI Research's Ozbck, "Everything is feeding into this giant equation-you can consider it a giant chemical reaction-and once everything has been fed in and the equation solved, it's going to change the whole energy infrastructure." Federal support and direction will be especially important. While Ozbek considers President Bush's $1.7 billion State of the Union pledge for energy research a good start, he would like the government to provide such research incentives as Japan and the European Union have in recent years.

And though the president disappointed many hydrogen proponents by making no specific mention of hydrogen-energy R&D in his 2004 address, his proposed 2005 budget did increase funding for hydrogen research. The federal government, Ozbek argues, should provide enhanced tax credits for buyers of fuel-cell vehicles and fuel credits for energy companies and other investing in building a hydrogen infrastructure. Jeremy Rifkin agrees, urging the federal government to take the lead by establishing benchmarks-mandating tougher fuel-efficiency standards and requiring a greater use of renewable energy sources by power companies-as the European Union currently does.

California's Hydrogen Highway

One state isn't waiting for action from companies or the federal government. In California, the new Schwarzenegger administration has committed to an energy plan that aims to create a "hydrogen highway" in the state by 2010. The ambitious plan proposes the construction of hydrogen fueling stations every twenty miles along the state's twenty-one major interstate highways. By taking this step to break the chicken-and-egg dilemma (which comes first, the vehicle or the fueling infrastructure?) and by continuing to impose strict mandates on automakers for fuel efficiencies, California could jumpstart the hydrogen economy.

Ford Motor Co. tests a nozzle for a hydrogen-powered car that the company is developing.

"The pieces are all on the table," says Terry Tamminen, secretary of California's Environmental Protection Agency, "and there have been demonstration projects, but they have not been pulled together into any kind of unified vision, something that average people can use and where we ean more fully commercialize the technology. So we're taking a lot of this work that's already been done, bringing it together, adding some timetables and leadership, and then of course asking for some federal money to help with the pieces that aren't paid for by private industry or other investments."

California already has several hydrogen fueling stations, serving research projects and some municipal fleets, and about a dozen more are in the works. For instance, SunLine Transit Agency, a local public-transit company, now operates a hydrogen fueling station that it uses to test its hydrogen-powered buses. And AC Transit, which provides public transportation in the San Francisco Bay area, expects to have three fuel-cell-powered buses later this year.

The state's goal is to provide an infrastructure of fueling stations to support a consumer market for fuel-cell vehicles. "If we can deliver such a network by a certain date," Tamminen explains, "we can then ask car companies to deliver on their promises to start delivering cars to showrooms."

One of the things driving California's plan is a California Energy Commission report that, Tamminen says, "includes credible evidence that in three to five years we are going to have serious shortages of refined fuels in the state. Not because there's not enough petroleum under the sands of Iraq but, rather, because we don't have enough refinery capacity in the state-or in the country- to keep up with the demand created by longer commutes, poorer fuel economy, and a growing population. The report predicts a likelihood of $3 to $5 per gallon gasoline prices and periodic shortages.

"During the oil embargo of the mid1970s, we had twenty-four thousand retail gasoline outlets in the state, compared to ten thousand today. If there are shortages, not only will there be gas lines-they will be twice as long."

Consequently, it's not a question of if but when we move toward a hydrogen economy. Even Romm, who is dubious about short-term prospects for hydrogen, concludes: "The longer we wait to act, and the more inefficient, carbon-emitting infrastructure that we lock into place, the more expensive and the more onerous will be the burden on all segments of society when we finally do act."

The Mechanics Of Hydrogen

While still untested on a large scale, the promise of a hydrogen economy is based on a number of undeniable realities. Hydrogen can be burned or converted into electricity in a way that creates virtually no pollution. It is also Earth's most abundant element, available everywhere in the world. While hydrogen is scarce naturally in pure form, it can be generated easily by reforming gasoline, methanol, natural gas, and other readily available resources. It can also be created by electrolysis, a process by which electricity is run through water to separate the oxygen and hydrogen molecules.

The fuel cell, which combines oxygen in the air with hydrogen to create electricity and water, is the vital link in the hydrogen vision. It closes the energy loop and allows electricity to be stored and transported via hydrogen and then reconverted back into electricity.

In an ideal future, renewableenergy sources such as wind, solar, or water power will be used to create hydrogen through electrolysis. The hydrogen can be converted again to electricity locally by means of a fuel cell to power a car, provide energy for a home, power a laptop, or operate any number of other products. -B.K.

As GE Goes, So Goes The Nation?

Fuel cells will probably not be a viable market until a company like General Electric gets into the business in a big way, say critics of the hydrogen economy.

GE is indeed researching fuel cells, albeit c\autiously, in keeping with its approach to most other energy markets. "We do have an investment in fuel cells,"says Jon Ebacher, the company's vice president of power-systems technology. "I don't know if it will ever get to the dimensions where it will work at the huge volumes that were once forecast, but I think it's quite viable in niche markets." Right now, he sees a possible market in "industrial facilities that have isolated power needs, where you have a maintenance crew that deals with heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning." But, he says,"there's a distance between where they are today and the huge potential in consumer markets that was forecast at one time."

GE has also invested substantially in researching a type of fuel- cell system that would employ a gas turbine and hydrogen system working as a combined cycle. Right now, Ebacher says, GE is considering creating a power plant based on this system by 2013. It could be sooner, depending on external factors, including political developments around both fuel and the environment, the price of fuel, and the types of fuel that are available. But there are still unresolved technical challenges that could push that back.

Natural-gas prices in particular are an important barometer. "During the California energy crisis, the price of gas spiked up to $7 per million BTUs," Ebacher says. Higher gas prices, he says," could spark some other research efforts that may come in front of fuel cells-coal, for instance. It's possible to run a combined- cycle system on coal. You put a chemical plant beside a combined- cycle power plant to process the coal into a gaseous fuel to run the electrical plant." But right now, Ebacher says,"the capital cost of doing that doesn't cross the goal line. However, if the price of natural gas or its availability gets in a bad place, all of a sudden the capital cost of doing that might not look so bad.

"It all revolves around availability, economics, and the environment-where the pressures are, what are the levers. But if you talk about running out of hydrocarbon fuels, then you would have to say that hydrogen had better be in the cards." -B.K.

As a fuel, hydrogen is "simply a better mousetrap."

Is GM's Hy-Wire The Car of the Future?

General Motors has had a reputation for being rather conservative when it comes to both new technological developments and vehicle design, but it seems to have leapt ahead of other carmakers with its concept car, the Hy-wire.

The idea, says Chris Borroni-Bird, director of design-technology fusion for GM, is that "if you design a vehicle around the fuel cell and hydrogen tanks, you might be able to create a better vehicle than if you just put those same systems in a car designed for an internal-combustion engine."

The Hy-wire design puts the fuel cell and hydrogen storage tanks into a skateboard-like chassis that allows for greater flexibility and interchangeability of body types. Customized car bodies are then effectively "docked into" the uniform chassis.

And because the fuel cell can provide much greater electrical output than today's batteries, GM's designers have replaced mechanical and hydraulic systems for steering and braking with an electronically controlled one. "This system provides more design freedom, because those electrical wires can be routed in numerous ways, replacing a fixed steering column," Borroni-Bird says.

The Hy-wire prototype has no gas engine, no brake pedals, and no instrument panel. The fuel cell enables you to operate everything by wire. The electronic controls are included in a compact handgrip console that extends from the floor from between the front seats of the vehicle. Drivers can steer, brake, or accelerate with the controls built into the handgrips.

Because GM puts the hydrogen directly on board the vehicle, there is no need for the car to convert fossil fuels or other renewable sources into hydrogen. As a result, it can claim to offer a zero- emission vehicle and market the car to be compatible with a network of hydrogen fueling stations.

To that end, GM "applauds any hydrogen infrastructure projects, anywhere in the world," says Tim Vail, GM's director of business development for fuel-cell activities. Yet it will take a lot of applause to get the government to invest the estimated $11 billion to get a sufficient mass of hydrogen refueling stations to support 1 million vehicles, in proximity to 70 percent of the nation's population. "But," says the optimistic Vail,"$ 11 billion is nothing compared to past infrastructure projects such as the highways or the railroads. So it's not that big an issue to overcome. You just have to have the will to do it."


California could jumpstart the hydrogen economy.

BILL KEENAN is a freelance business writer and former editor of Selling magazine.

Copyright Conference Board, Inc. May/Jun 2004