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Live Audio Conference:



Expert Opinions on Grid Vulnerabilities, Government RD&D, Coordinated Emergency Response and End User Perspectives

Your Vulnerability Can Be Catastrophic
We live in a world where the grid can fail again on its own and in a pinpointed terrorist attack. Both events could cripple your business. This reality has resulted in many reports on the vulnerabilities of the grid that have not reported the complete truth, for whatever reason, be it political or otherwise. It's crucial to understand why the grid is still highly vulnerable so that you can make effective decisions to protect your business. 

Another Failure Will Happen
The reality is that you aren't going to fix the problem anytime soon, so you must be prepared to deal with the eventuality of another "event". It is difficult to coordinate everyone necessary to properly respond to such an incredibly damaging event, as you have utilities, local law enforcement, first responders, local government, etc. If you're involved in such an effort in your own organization, you could benefit significantly from a discussion of best practices and what strides are being made to develop a "common operating picture".

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Don't Wait
It's critical to be prepared and have solutions for highly relevant questions that require immediate answers. For example, if you are a utility, where should you focus your resources? And, if you are an end user, how can you take matters into your own hands and rely on the grid to a lesser degree?

Although the topic of Infrastructure Surety is quite broad and a thorough analysis must define the problem, it's time to look at a variety of possible solutions to address all of the best case and worse case scenarios. It's important to understand the DOE's opinion on these matters and you need to know where government resources are going to be allocated and how they can be useful.

What You Will Get
By attending the Infrastructure Surety event, you'll gain a more thorough understanding of:

  • Real root cause analysis

  • Knowledge of government resources

  • Best practices in both emergency response and end user energy surety

  • How to save lives

  • How to avoid an economic catastrophe

Energy Central's
Leadership Series

Join us for this important
Audio Conference!
Cost: $247 
Length: 90 Minutes
Date: May 25, 2004 at 1 pm Eastern
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Meet our Expert Panel

(click for Bio)
Whit Allen
VP Sales, Liebman & Associates, Inc.
Steve Fairfax
President, MTechnology, Inc.
Gil Bindewald
Program Manager of  Transmission & Distribution Integration, Office of Electric Transmission and Distribution (OETD), United States Department of Energy (DOE).
Kaydon Stanzione
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Advanced Logic System, Inc.
David Menicucci
Director of DOD Energy Support Activities, Sandia National Laboratories


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A panel of industry experts will also provide an in-depth analysis of the following concerns:

  • How truly vulnerable is the grid?

  • Why did the August 2003 blackout really occur? 

  • What is the DOE doing to address these vulnerabilities?

  • What happens if we have a major "event" involving the grid?

  • Do utilities have an emergency response plan that is properly coordinated with first responders and other key organizations?

  • What are communities and military organizations doing to protect you against the vulnerabilities of the grid?

Why Should You Attend?
If you have the slightest curiosity in energy, you'll most likely be highly interested in the expert opinions on grid vulnerabilities. Electric utilities, in particular, will be able to use this information in their network planning. A piece on emergency response will be useful to any organization that has the need for emergency response programs, including utilities of all types and governments of all sizes. The end user piece will be useful to any type of industry, organization or community that requires reliable power and is interested in taking matters into their own hands, as well as the utilities and ESCOs that might be involved in developing energy surety zones.


Attend Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 1 pm Eastern

Infrastructure Surety

Cost: $247
Length: 90 Minutes
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