Arizona Palo Verde 3 nuke climbs to 60 pct power
LOS ANGELES, May 13 (Reuters)
The spokeswoman for the company said the unit was operating at about 60
percent power and should be back at full power around the weekend.
The unit had been holding at 40 percent power while a small leak in a pipe in
the circulating water system was repaired. There had been concerns the unit
might have to be taken off-line, but that did not prove necessary.
"They were able to do it (repair the leak) at 40 percent," the
spokeswoman said.
The adjacent 1,270-MW Unit 1 continues to exit a maintenance and refueling
outage that began on April 5. The spokeswoman said Unit 1 had risen to about 66
percent power Thursday morning, up from 20 percent a day earlier.
The Palo Verde station is in Wintersburg, Arizona, about 50 miles west of
Arizona Public Service, a unit of Pinnacle West Capital Corp.
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